Hello Everyone!

Hi! I'm not REALLY new to Fitness Pal, but I'm new to posting on the boards. I have been using the site for a couple of weeks now and have lost 5 pounds. Just being able to easily track what I'm eating and doing is a huge help. I especially love that I can use the mobile app to scan a barcode to enter a food into my food diary! :-) SO, things are going great but it'd be nice to have some people to connect with, encourage, receive encouragement from, and just to help with accountability. This is the longest I've stuck with something to help me lose weight, and I am LOVING it! I'm in it for the long haul and have over 100lbs to lose. A bit about me... I currently life with my grandmother as her caretaker and will be returning to college in the spring to continue my degree in middle grades education. I love doing stuff outdoors, walking, playing with my pets (a dog and two kitties) and spending time with my sister. My interests include stuff like scrapbooking, basketball, watching True Blood, reading, and learning new, healthy recipes to try cooking for my grandmother and me. I broke up with my fiance a couple of months ago. We were together for 5 years, and I got tired of feeling like I was the only one working on the relationship and making sure we had time together. I started getting healthier, and he was pushing the other direction. I made the choice to use that whole situation as a springboard to start me off with my weight loss. If anyone else would like a friend, feel free to add me! I look forward to posting on the forums more!!!