scale movement

What do u do when your scale will not move? I have been stuck at the same weight for a week. I'm so frustrated because I am walking and eating good. Any ideas on how to jump start my weight loss because I would like to loose 50 more pounds. Any ideas are appreciated.


  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    Better to look at body fat % than at the scale. One month I did not loose weight at all, I even gained about 1 pound. But if I looked at body fat % I lost 6 pounds of fat that month. Weight on the scale doesn't say much, it does not look at how your body is composed. I know how you feel though, i'm also standing on the damn machine every single day ;-)
  • butterflimom
    Don't feel alone- I like many others are in the same boat as you. Are you watching your sugar and sodium intakes? I went back and looked at mine and saw where they were really high. Also, how much are you walking and for how long? By adding little things to your workout like weight or sprints, you can boost your metabolism. Are you getting in 8+ glasses of water daily? Water is really an amazing, good thing for your body.
    If you would like, you can add me and I will be glad to try and help. I have met some pretty amazing people on here that are helping me and I would love to pay it forward with what I've learned.
  • losgan
    losgan Posts: 26 Member
    If the scale isn't moving then it isn't going up either! It's frustrating but stick with it! I got super annoyed when I lost less than a pound over the whole two weeks of "gee I hate being a girl" time, but I know it will all balance out in the end.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • dishwalla
    don't forget that while you are exercising you are building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat! so you probably are toning and building muscle and still losing fat.
  • mpodeszwa
    mpodeszwa Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning! The only thing I'd say is that losing weight takes time. Try to only weigh yourself once a week. Also, keep track of both your exercise and food eaten--to make sure you're burning more calories than you take in. Another great idea--if you can--get a heart rate monitor that you can wear when you exercise/walk so you really know how many calories you burned.

    Oh, and one other thing. Besides the number on the scale, check your measurements (waist, chest, thighs, etc...). You may have lost some weight and been gaining muscle (which is heavier than fat) so you don't even realize that you're actually losing it!

    Question for you--is walking what you enjoy to help lose weight? What really helps is doing an activity that you enjoy--then the weight comes off because of it! I found a love for Zumba classes--dancing for an hour that goes by so quickly I didn't even realize I worked out! And I consistently burn at least 500 calories every hour I take. I think a big reason is because I'm truly enjoying myself and not doing it just to lose weight. And its super FUN!

    Best of luck!:bigsmile: