Strange Title Recipe...(see in thread)...but just go with it

polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
OK, so I stumbled upon this recipe intended as a homemade version of the popular Frosty Paws (ice cream treat for dogs)...

After seeing the ingredients...I thought...HELL with the dog...I'm making this for ME!!!!

Here is the recipe:

Homemade Frosty Paws for Dogs

1 quart vanilla yogurt (lowfat for our chubby friends)
1 medium banana
2 T peanut butter (natural style is good)
2 T honey

Puree the banana in a food processor (a blender would probably work fine). Add the peanut butter and honey and continue processing until smooth. Add yogurt and process just long enough to blend all ingredients together. Place 18 small paper cups (bathroom size) in a baking pan (one 9x13 or two 8x8 work well). Fill paper cups to about 2/3's full. An ice cream scoop or a measuring cup makes the job easier. Freeze until solid. Transfer the frozen treats to zip-lock bags for storing in the freezer.

Now....after entering it into the data came out to 49 calories each based on 18 servings...

I changed it based on 8 servings to make it a more heftier portion and it's 111 calories!!!!



  • Melly1606
    Melly1606 Posts: 79 Member
    That does sound good!! Looks like Sophie and I are sharing dessert tonite!!
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member

    After seeing the ingredients...I thought...HELL with the dog...I'm making this for ME!!!!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I don't like bananas, what could I sub?
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    I don't know...that recipe looks like it might taste good. I've tried the original Frosty Paws (hey...I was curious!). Let's just say it wasn't exactly appetizing. The dog loved it, but me...not so much.
  • shall be trying this one.
    from an ice cream lover
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    sounds yum
  • mikethom
    mikethom Posts: 183 Member
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    sounds yummy
  • Monica_in_MO
    Monica_in_MO Posts: 162 Member
    I knew it would involve peanut butter. : )
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I knew it would involve peanut butter. : )

    :ohwell: This must mean I need counseling...
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    This does sound interesting - and I bet since I'm eating it I could put any fruit I wanted in it - though I'm not sure how mango peanut butter would taste. :tongue:
  • jellycar
    jellycar Posts: 40
  • I actually saw this recipe on a dog site also. I was thinking of making some for my puppy and maybe eating some myself. Looks good.
  • BlessedMoon
    BlessedMoon Posts: 65 Member
    I believe I shall be making some for when my niece comes to visit!
  • I am all for 111 calorie frozen treats! YUM!