What do you eat?

Hey there. I've been doing this for a few weeks and I was wondering if anyone can share what some of your menus are. I find I'm scared to eat some things because they are not good. What are some of the guidlines or recipes you follow. I'm a big snacker adn I prefer to eat several times a day so I want to make sure I'm not going to tip the scale in the wrong direction.


  • subzerolv
    subzerolv Posts: 29 Member
    Some of my favorite snacks are hard boiled eggs, grapes, and those individual packets of tuna. I can kinda of cover all the bases with just those three. If I'm actually hungry, I go for the tuna. If I just need a quick pick-me-up, it's the egg. And if the sweet tooth attacks, I'll munch on the grapes.

    Just remember...moderation is key. Even a food that's "good" for you, can have negative effects if consumed in large quantities.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member

    On some days, half my calories come from snacks. I try to focus on high protein or high fiber things. Here's a couple of my snack items:

    Apples and Peaches (I avoid bananas because of how much sugar it has)
    Kelloggs FiberPlus bars (from Costco... but don't eat too many in a day...)
    Protein Shake (two scoops in a blender bottle. I add water from the cooler at work when I'm ready to eat it)
    Hard boiled eggs (I toss the yolk after the first one).
    100 Calorie Smart Popcorn
    Lots of water

    As for meals, Breakfast is a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat. If I have to go fastfood, I go for a grilled chicken sandwich. No cheese and no mayo. Hot sauce is the condiment of choice cuz it forces me to drink more water (sorta). BK's chicken sandwich is actually chock full of protein.

    I'm trying to target about 350-450 calories a meal and putting more calories into breakfast and less into dinner. I'm still hungry all the time so I'm chewing gum to help me curb that.
  • DMRN0125
    DMRN0125 Posts: 87
    Feel free to look at my diary to see what I eat. I try to plan ahead as much as possible. One thing I love doing that works for me is I take a pound of raw chicken tenders and toss them in some seasoning ( shake & bake crispy buffalo, garlic and pepper, etc) and bake them on Sunday night. Then for lunch during the week I will cut up 4 oz at a time and have them over a bed of lettuce or on a sandwich or cut them up like chicken nuggets with the some steamed veggies. It takes no thought and keeps me super full.

    Also, a great snack is 6 low sodium saltines with 1TBSP of a nut butter or a wedge of laughing cow cheese.