weigh In? Every day, or once a week?



  • Kaycurrier
    Kaycurrier Posts: 231
    Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments. This was the ftopic I have posted and it was nice to gets some very helpful and encouraging feedback. I think I am going to weigh myself once a week, friday mornings! Maybe someday I can weight myself daily but right now I feel once a week is best for me.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I weigh in every single day and I record it too. I weigh in twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon for kicks. I like observing the fluctuations that way when TOM rolls around (like this week) I am not freaking out over 1-2lbs gain. It's been very helpful for me. Example: On Thursday I weighed in at 166lbs and then Friday morning , BAM, 170lbs. No effing way I gained 4lbs overnight. I have been under my calories and exercising every day so it was obviously water retention from TOM almost visiting. I went back a month ago to see how my weight varied during TOM and surely enough I had 2-3lbs fluctuation during those days.

    Imagine if I only weighed in once a week and one week I weighed in at 166lbs and then the following weigh in day I weighed 170lbs?? I would be freaking the eff out.
  • ilike2run
    ilike2run Posts: 34 Member
    Weight so greatly fluctuates from day to day. I used to weigh every day and then would be discouraged when my weight was up a pound having done nothing different than the previous day! I finally read somewhere to weigh one time weekly--either on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday to allow time for (ah hem...) weekend dietary "indiscretions" to level out. This has worked great for me. I should add...as a nurse...this should be a "dry weight", meaning morning weight, after you have done bathroom duty, without clothes and before you eat or drink anything. Good luck!!! don't sweat the small stuff, :)
  • jhendricks123
    jhendricks123 Posts: 38 Member
    I usually way myself daily. I don't really have a weigh-in day since I will inevitably miss a day due to being out camping or doing something that day, and I don't want to annoy myself by missing a weigh-in haha...

    A lot of people get worked up when they see a weight gain, but I don't - I've lost 140lbs in total and I'm used to the fluctuation. I know that as long as I'm eating healthy, and exercising, there's no chance that a gain is "real". I only record the losses, and only when they are more than a pound or so.

    At one time I was using a spreadsheet I built to keep track of my daily weight, bodyfat, body water and lean muscle mass changes - that was pretty cool since I used formulas to show the weight of just my body fat, and I could use the trend to make sure I wasn't also burning through lean muscle mass. It was fun to "see" that the weight I was losing was pure body fat, but it took too much work to keep up with the daily weigh-ins and tracking everything in the spreadsheet. Plus, digital scales are notoriously inaccurate in my opinion. Most will change as much as a pound in either direction if you just step off and back on in my experience.
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    i think it also depends how much weight you have to lose... i only have about 30 lbs to lose and so my weight fluctuates especially depending on how much weight lifting i do. i began obsessing over a .2 lb gain or no loss even if i weighed only once a week. so, i decided i'd start doing measurements once a week and weighing only once a month (most ppl do it the other way around)...thus far i'm really pleased with my results. i ALWAYS see some decrease in my size and body fat percentage :) my 1st "once a month" weigh in will come on sept 1st