Chest triecp and ab workout today with HIITs

Warm up 5 min

20 reps w/ 30 sec rest 3 sets

Chest- DB Press Flat Bench

Tricep- Kickback, Lt/Rt

Abs- Full Sit up w/ DB over chest


Chest- DB Fly Flat Bench

Tricep- Pushdown Rope/cable

Abs- Plank w/ cross toe touch or X- crunch


Chest- Push up Standard

Tricep- Dips


Then DiD

20 min HITT's/cardio Treadmill. 1min max effort 30 sec recover.


  • Rajrand
    Rajrand Posts: 13
    I changed my version today to perform biceps & back. 4 exercises each with 3 sets arranged as superset for 8 to 10 reps. Then 15 minutes of HIIT using Elliptical