Grrrrr. I want to throw something out the window

And that something is going to be my scale. I haven't weighed in a week and a half, thinking Oh well I'll give it time. I wasn't supposed to weigh in til the first, but I snuck in today and the damn thing hasn't changed at all. I'm so frustrated. I'm eating great, completely changed my eating habits and not having sweets or cake or pizza or anything fried, I'm not binge eating, and I'm working out EVERY day, I'm staying close to my goal calories but never going over. Why isn't anything happening? I've been working at this for three weeks now and all I have to show for it is the 9 pounds from the first week. What the heck am I doing all of this for if it isn't going to make a damn difference?? On top of this, I've got this looming cloud of demotivation, I watched my mom struggle with her weight my entire childhood only to end up having a gastric bypass. I don't want to do it that way. I want to be strong enough to lose this weight without surgery. But I call her to chat and mention that I got a treadmill and I'm so excited, and she replies "Oh, I used to jog all the time, it never did anything for me." Dammit. I needed that motivation. And now I'm stuck in this rut and I'm so close to tears because I just want to healthy, and I feel like the whole world is against me. Please, advice, words of encouragement, something, because I'm ready to just give up and accept this stupid fat body of mine as my only choice.


  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    I'm going to guess you might need to eat a little more. WIthout looking at your diary, I can't make a complete assessment, but we need to fuel to burn fuel. If you're working out every day, you probably need more food. Perhaps 1/2 of your workout calories going towards food.

    Don't give up:)
  • jemko
    jemko Posts: 91 Member
    I completely understand how you feel; I started on July 26th and to date I've lost a whopping 3 lbs. I'm staying between 1200-1300 calories and have been exercising more than I was (though not every day) and it's SO frustrating. I said the same thing this weekend myself - "What's the point?!?". Well, the point is that I'm making better, healthier choices now. I'm conscious of what I'm eating and what I'm doing, and I'm becoming healthier for it. No, I'm not losing weight quickly, or even at the pace MFP said I would be (hello, obviously not losing even 1 lb a week!). That tells me that I've probably really f'ed up my metabolism over the years, with being lazy and crash diets, etc. So, rather than give up, I'm trying to use it as motivation and proof that I obviously need to stick with this and fix my body. As I get healthier, my body will start to react to it and I will eventually start to lose this weight. I have to give it time and find some patience (which I do NOT have a natural abundance of!).

    So, STICK WITH IT and remember that, while the scale may not be moving right now, you're still doing better for your body and your health and that alone is worth the effort.
  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    Yes eat more if you're working out more, especially protein for muscle recovery .... and keep in mind our muscles retain water after hard workouts, so you could just be seeing water retention!
  • jackieb79
    Make your diary public, hard to give advice without seeing what you're eating and what your exercise regime looks like.
  • skatw
    skatw Posts: 28
    I did the same thing.... but then, I increased my calories and started losing again!
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I agree with everything that others have said, but I just want to add that you might want to consider taking a break day or two from exercise. For some unexplainable reason, I tend to drop weight after those rest days....
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I had the same thing happen this week. Seriously make sure you are taking measurements. I upped my gym time to try to lose more weight and only saw a 1.2 pound drop in a week. Was pretty bummed, I've ate below the calories, and I had upped my gym time to over 10 hours this last week hoping to cut some more. I took measurements and compared them to the week before and there was a big drop there. Also make sure it's first thing in the morning, I fluctuate up to 4 pounds difference from early morning and supper time.
  • Butrfli
    Butrfli Posts: 50
    I go through long plateaus too sometimes for 10 days or more. My friend who is also a registered dietician told me that I sit on plateaus bc it's the body's way of "resetting it's set point"! NOT to give in and get frustrated. Your body will get use to the new weight and you WILL start losing again. I agree with the others...make your profile public so we can see what's going on and try to help you more. Hang in there. A lot of us get frustrated with the scale. It's not my friend either and I want to throw it out the window too!
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Thank you for the kind words everyone. I was so frustrated and angry, decided to go jump on the treadmill and knocked out my first day of C25K. I'm feeling a whole lot better, and you are right, it's making a lifestyle change that I should be aiming for, to be healthier. I need to realize that losing weight is no more than common side effect of making better choices.
    I probably am not eating enough calories for the working out. Previously when losing weight I just cut my calorie intake, but I really want to tone as well, so I don't get the deflated balloon thing going on even more, and I'm just not sure how to balance the calories with the exercising. I feel guilty eating when I'm not hungry, and I don't know what sort of things I should be eating. I made my diary private before my vent because the last thing I could take right then was feedback saying that I was eating like crap, I felt bad enough about everything. Sorry, silly to ask for advice when I give you nothing to go off of.
    Thanks again for listening to my vent. Next time, I'll head for the treadmill first, instead of crying at my desk to all of you ;)