This ever happen to you?

Male, 6 ft, 31 years old, 224 lbs

When I am eating "good" (lower carbs for me, calories at 1900 net or below, veggies and protein) I seem to lose weight pretty fast. When I have a day or two of splurging, (some pizza, or a burger, chips... some type of junk food) often lately the next day I will actually weight a 1 lb or 2 less than I did the day before. Probably from "shocking" my body. I know some will typically gain 2-5 lbs from water weight.

However when I go back to my regular diet and way of eating I actually gain 2-3 lbs from my original weight and it takes sometimes a 1 to 1.5 weeks to get off. The last several years have been like this, but it would never happen before.

Any logical reason why? Ever happened to you? Is my body trying to tell me something? I am not eating a gram of protein per lb of body weight like I did when I was really hitting the weights. should that matter?

An example:

I have been really trying to get some weight and inches off. Started near August first using myfitnesspal to track my food and exercise. I have been doing the Insanity DVD about 3 times a week and a few times played some B-Ball. I went from 233 to 223.6 in about 2.5 weeks. No doubt some of that was water weight.

On August 19th it was our wedding anniversary, so we went out to dinner. We had an appetizer, short ribs with mashed potatoes for dinner, and shared a souffle. We then went to a friends house and had some desert and a little wine. I didn't log the food but I am sure it was near 2500 cals and probably 200 grams of carbs. Saturday when I woke up I actually weighed 222.3. Saturday and Sunday I ate pretty sensible and back to my regular way of eating. Monday 22nd, when I woke up and weighted myself I weighed 226.6. Not until today have I been able to get back to square.

Other info:

I have been working out and dieting for quite some time. About 6 years ago I was 292 lbs and used Atkins to lose 50 lbs. I then lost another 20 or so lbs with low cal and some exercise.

In general my body health wise does not respond well to a lot of carbs. I "crash" bad, so in general I try to keep my sugar and starches fairly low in general.


  • mandygal13
    mandygal13 Posts: 219 Member
    I have noticed that it takes my body a while to show a loss or a gain. I think some of us just don't have an "immediate" reaction to heavier eating days. I have remembered a scene from "The Golden Girls" I saw one time. The girls were all stressing over their dates, and one was eating ice cream. Another commented that she couldn't do that or she wouldn't fit in her dress that night. The first one replied that it took a few days for the ice cream to 'show up' on her. I think that's true in real life as well. My weight loss has been a big number one week, barely anything for two weeks - another big loss - then another to weeks. And I'm doing pretty much the same thing each week - exercise and food wise.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Without wanting to sound sounds like your body is saying stop yo-yo dieting and eat good all the time.

    There is little point eating healthily one or two days and then going back to chomping down pizza/burgers.

    You really need to eat healthily all the time in order to keep the weight off and progress.

    Good luck
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    I do it ALL the time and it works great. Unless I'm doing a major long distance run I try to keep my carbs under 100g a day.
  • SNorris01
    SNorris01 Posts: 97 Member
    This happens to everyone. One thing to remember that when you eat something bad it takes 2 days for your body to break it down and distribute to your body. It is an even distribution even though you don't think it is. Your body has large fat cells in different places, so it looks like you gain weight in one spot over others. The main thing is drink water (plain) water to flush the extra fluids out of your system from the salt in take. And yes it does take longer to burn it off than it does to put it on. You can only burn off so many calories a day and you still have to feed your body. Remember to eat 5 to 6 times a day to keep up with the metabolism that will have burn it faster and kick up your calorie burn too.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    It also takes my body a day or two to show the impact of whatever it is I decided to do to it. However, I was reading on last week that a poptart every once in a while is an excellent addition to your diet because it keeps it guessing. I'd rather it was a cupcake instead of a poptart, but that;s just me. As long as your still moving your fine.
  • Allbizniss
    Allbizniss Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the comment. I certainly don't "chomp down" burgers and pizza. And when I say "diet", I mean what I eat on a daily basis.

    A few slices of pizza, a cookie, or something like that every once in while is not bad for you and actually from a weight loss purpose, works great to "shock" your system.

    Thanks all for the comments. My body seems to have changed over the last few years, so with that I have to change my mental approach as well.

    Thanks again.