NSM...No Scale Movement

Yes, I have decided to do it. I am no longer going to be a slave to the scale. It has been two weeks now that I only weigh-in once a week. I made the decision on yesterday to only weigh in no more than once a month. My priorities have changed to where I am no longer really interested in just losing weight. I just want to be healthy, whether it is at the weight I am now, or at a BMI of 25 or less. As I was getting closer to my goal, I find myself thinking about what I am going to do at that point. Am I just going to maintain, or will I try to do something else. Will I just say I have done it, and then go back to my old habits. What I plan to do is to do what I am doing now. Keep challenging myself to be better. I want to be able to go sit in an all you can eat restaurant, and not have to be afraid of eating my money's worth. I want to go to the family BBQ, and not have to think that eating Aunt Francis Mac and Cheese will be the end of my life. I want to not feel bad about having a piece of sweet potato pie(black people don't eat pumpkin pie), and adding a scoop of vanilla ice cream to go with it.

I feel I am content with hearing people say how much weight I have lost, and how good I now look as some of my barometers of success. I enjoy hearing my son say he is proud of me for losing weight(he is ten). I am also encouraged that I am able to maintain a 12 minute mile for almost 2 hours. I am stoked that I am no longer supporting the blood pressure and cholesterol pill company as I have done in the past. And I am elated that my wife says she has to try to keep up with me in the...(Grown up conversation, y'all). I don't need a scale for that. I just need to keep doing me. Keep it moving folks.
P.S. I still cannot keep up with my 4yo daughter, but from all my scientific research, it is easier for Kim Kardashian to win an Oscar than for anyone to keep up with a 4yo...IJS.



  • 500lbs2marathon
    500lbs2marathon Posts: 542 Member
    good luck with that!
  • SportySpiceVT
    SportySpiceVT Posts: 59 Member
    I think that you can still have all your priorities straight and keep an eye on your weight. That way, you can make sure you are at least not back tracking. You have lost a significant amount of weight and you should be really proud of yourself. But from your goal it looks like you have a lot left to lose. You can still enjoy the food you want to, and don't need to feel bad about it. Keeping track is great way to make sure that even if you are over one day, you can compensate the other days. I know it is way too easy for me to slip off track. I was content where I was at after losing 60lbs and before I knew it, I had 18 to lose. It is hard work and I wish I had started making changes when I had gained 5lbs, not 18. So with caution, love, respect, and support, I urge you to make sure you don't slip from all the progress you have made and want to make. Keep up the good work and keep in mind how good you feel now, you will even better at your final goal weight. More energy, more wiggle room in your daily food intake, and you probably will be able to give your 4 y/o a run for her money!
  • JasonD334
    JasonD334 Posts: 94 Member
    Great job my friend, and great post. The scales don't matter nearly as much when it is a lifestyle change, and not just a mad dash to a certain number, and that's what you've had here! Some people are only worried about "losing weight" and yeah I can understand that, but in the end it's about a new life, and a new lifestyle! You're an inspiration to your family, and to others here on MFP.

    Keep it up... 100 Mile Challenge starts soon!
