"You don't look like you've got that much to lose!"



  • Bluestar083
    Yup I get 'you don't need to LOSE weight, you need to GAIN weight'
    Well I can tell you my body is much happier at 52-53kg (not less, and not more...well ok 54kg is ok-just) but being 5.9'' I do look slim so I don't tell people I am trying to lose weight, I say something like 'I am on a sugar detox' but since I eat healthy anyway people don't really notice when I am being EXTRA healthy.
    And what do they want me to do, grab the bits of fat from my stomach to prove i need to lose weight?
    But I am guilty of doing the same thing. Maybe its just politeness-ie you look awesome as you are?
    Let's pretent it is :)