introducing myself

Hi my name is Danielle and I am 21,
I am using MFP as I would to lose weight and tone up as i have always been over weight. I also believe that my eating habits are bad and I could really do with having a better lifestyle I have tried many diets which have not worked but have seen that this site has great reviews. It was nice to see so many people with success stories and I would like to be one of them.

My weight has always been like a yo-yo and I would now like to take control. I started trying to lose weight about 2 months ago and lost 10pounds but now I feel like I need more help. I joined this group about 3 days ago and when i last weighed myself at the beginning of the month I weighed 164 pounds. I would like to lose another 44 pounds to get to my goal as I am only 5'2

I am also going to gym twice a week
doing zumba (20 minutes a time ) 2/3 times a week
And a little at home boxing with my boyfriend to improve my fitness and tone up
(Hoping this will work)

I was hoping that some people could add me as a friend on MFP to help keep me motivated and vice versa

Whether you wish to lose,gain or maintain your weight i wish everyone on MFP the best of luck
xx :happy:

I will try to add a picture as soon as i learn how :embarassed:


  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    Welcome to MFP, and hello new friend :) I needed to lose 44lbs too and I'm now 22lbs in and feeling great. I have better eating habits and a much healthier view on foods now, this place can sure teach you a lot! :)