Walking in heels!!



  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    I find it easier now I have lost weight, maybe it's just more confidence too? Though I still need a bit more practice!
    I still don't love wearing them, but I do like wearing wedges, waaaay more comfortable and easier to walk in but you still get the hight.
  • Dylanzmom
    Dylanzmom Posts: 120
    Practice practice practice. I live in heels just takes some getting use to. Also make sure they are good heels and not cheap.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I've never been able to walk in heels, even when I was 108 lbs. I know a woman who is very overweight and she wears heels like a champ. It must be a practice thing. And an ankle strength thing. :)
  • harleygirlT
    harleygirlT Posts: 223 Member
    I have been walking in heels since I was a little girl playing dress up. I don't think it has anything to do with weight, I have been both heavy and thin and wearing them everyday to work. However you do need to wear flats once in awhile to stretch out you calf muscle. And you can easliy damage your feet to the point of Neuropothy not to mention they mess with your back.. Like everything else, all in moderation!
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    Happy0326-Omg the heels into flip flops has me rofling!! :laugh:

    I personally have never been able to walk in heels. I just bought a pair from Dillard's that have an actual heel (not a little kitten one like all my others) and they are the best I've found so far but I still look like a dork when I walk. I hope losing weight will help- but I have disproportionately small ankles so maybe that is a factor. I love the way heels make me feel/look but it loses its sex appeal when I have to waddle and shuffle around because my feet hurt. My boyfriend refuses to go shopping with me if I'm in heels because I make him walk like suuuper slow plus we have to stop all the time. Its bad.