Today is a NEW day!

My name is Lauren I am a single mom to one beautiful daughter. I am 26 yr old my daughter is 6. I was given this website by my doctor in hopes to help me with myself. I was diganosed with CML 'Chronic Myeloid Leukemia' July 18 2011 Since then things have been hetic! Emtionally and physcially. I am hoping this site gives support is many ways. I look forward to tracking myself and finding my flaws. I would like to lose 80-85lbs by next spring. Here's to me! & Here's to everyone struugling with something. I pray for us all! My word for the day WATER WATER WATER WATER!


  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Hello Lauren, Welcome to MFP, You have a journey with your health and a life change. My heart and prayers go out to you and your daughter. There is support and a lot of encouragment on MFP. Please feel free to ask questions and if you want you can add me to your friends list. God Bless You and Your daughter!!
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Welcome. You've come to a great place. MFP is a very informative and supportive group.

    You might want to explore the "Find Members" feature as well as "Search" the Forum topics to see if there are others who suffer from the same disease. In any event, everyone is here to improve their health and most are here to lose weight, so you'll fit right in. (Some are here to gain weight or otherwise maintaine or tone.) For sure there are a lot of single moms on this site (though I'm married).

    Congrats and taking the first step in your weight loss journey!