Anyone use Vitamin B12?

Wondering if anyone has taken B12 vitamins to boost weightloss/metabolism and if it worked for you long term or if your body got used to it. Also, Any good Multi-vitamins that people recommend?


  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    Until I joined here, I'd never heard of B12 being used for weighloss. All through highschool I had to have bi-weekly injections of it because I was always sleeping; from afterschool right through til the next morning. I definitely saw an increase in energy (so that is a plus of the exercise side) but never saw any significant weight loss.
  • TheYoungRetiree
    TheYoungRetiree Posts: 84 Member
    I was just put on B12 shots by my doctor (on a measurement scale of 211-986 my levels were 250- YIKES!) and will take them for the next three months. I hadn't heard anything about metabolism but am interested to hear how others react to it. I was just wiped out and exhausted all the time so I had him run some lab work. I got my first shot on Thursday and have noticed an increase in energy.

    HOWEVER: B12 is a vitamin that if your body has it's fill of it, it will not absorb more than it needs, so it could be a waste of money if you're not deficient.
  • mdagenb
    mdagenb Posts: 49 Member
    It helps with mosquito bites too! keeps mosquitos away! :-)
  • corbansmom
    I take a Super B Complex for energy because I'm so tired all the time, but I haven't ever heard of it being used for weightloss either. Sorry. Hope you're able to get some answers. :)
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Vitamins are an important part of a healthy diet but, in and of themselves, they won't cause you to loose weight. Its always better to get vitamins from your food (by eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and proteins) rather than supplements to ensure proper absorption. Also, keep in mind that you should consult a healthcare professional about vitamins. That might sound crazy but vitamins are something you can overdose on fairly easily, especially if you are combining a daily multivitamin with other vitamins.

    B12 shots do have clinical uses, but unless you are treating a deficiency or anemia, you are probably better spending your money on something else!
  • RachelT14
    RachelT14 Posts: 266 Member
    I was taking B12 the last time i lost weight (3 stone in total) but not for weightloss or metabolism reason but because i have PCOS and in some cases it can help with fertility. I was however also dieting and excercising at the time as well so it is probably a coincidence.
  • SeanMurphy
    I had no idea B12 helped with weight loss. I have been taking a B complex pill for about 4 months now along with some other supplements at my Dr's recommendation for unrelated issues. I have noticed the thing about keeping mosquitoes away, as my fiancée is constantly talking about how relentless the bugs are around our house, while I hardly notice them.

    Its easy to tell when your body is at its saturation level of B vitamins when you're on a B complex, because you won't notice anything for a couple days while you get up to proper levels, then your urine looks like Mr Clean after that, because you're eliminating much of what you take that way. I prefer to waste a couple bucks peeing out the excess than being deficient again, as the problems I was having previous to this regimen were not pleasant.