Are low carb diets really effective?



  • turbogynda
    turbogynda Posts: 12 Member
    I am on a LCHF (low carb high fat) diet, and has been for six weeks now. I have had a lot of health benefits after starting the diet, and have no plans going back to my old diet! Some of the benefits are less migrene (from 2-3 times a week, to once every second week), better sleep, more energy, and faster recovery after hard workouts. I was sceptical at fist, mostly because of the huge amount of fat I was to eat, and also because of the fact that I couldn´t eat bread, pasta etc. which I love!

    We have been though all our lives that fat is what is making us obese and sick, and we have developed this fear of natural fat. When I was told to eat as much as 75% fat a day, I almost fell of my chair! But after learning more about what happens in the body when sticking to this diet, I decided to give it a try. Now I am eating great range of delicious foods (bread as well), and never feel starved. But I´m not gonna lie; it takes some practice and some work planning your meals.

    Short about LCHF: When eating carbs, your blood sugar increase, and insulin puts the body in a fat storing mode. But the body need energy, so when you remove carb from your diet, you need to get your energy from fat. Fat will burn fat as the blood sugar and insulin level is stable. My advice is to learn as much as you can about LCHF before you change your diet. Here are som links: (lots of great recepies, unfortunally on norwegian. Google translate ;-)) (the same apply as for the one above)

    I also made a book of my favorite LCHF- recipe. Let me know, and I´ll e-mail it to you :-)

    Good luck!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Low carb can be an extremely effective fat loss tool but your energy does not have to suffer because of it. Eat just protein for breakfast and lunch and then eat 'normal' for dinner eating up to 125gms of carbs. One day a week eat high carb to spike your fat burning hormones.