I've been a member of MFP for 2 weeks now, and have lost NOTHING! I'm starting to get very frustrated :grumble: . I'm trying to lose 20 lbs to begin with, and 30 lbs ultimately!

MFP has it so that I eat 1200 calories/day and I'm supposed to be losing 2 lbs a week with this... I try to walk/ride the stationary bike 3 times a week or so.

My BMR is 1676.

Has anyone else gone through this?!? Is there something I am doing wrong?!?

Please help!!


  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    How accurate are your calorie intake and output counts? Are you measuring and weighing your food or just "guestimating"? Are you using a heart rate monitor to track your calories burned? If not, your numbers could be off. Other than that, it's hard to help withour seeing your food diary. If you make it public, you will probably get more specific advice from other MFPs.
  • Are you sure you are tracking every single calorie you intake? At first I often forgot drinks and stuff?

    And are you weighing yourself at the same time of day, wearing the same kind of things? Weight can fluctuate up to 5pounds every day!
  • How accurate are your calorie intake and output counts? Are you measuring and weighing your food or just "guestimating"? Are you using a heart rate monitor to track your calories burned? If not, your numbers could be off. Other than that, it's hard to help withour seeing your food diary. If you make it public, you will probably get more specific advice from other MFPs.

    I can do that! :)
  • Tom4lel
    Tom4lel Posts: 2
    Look at the amount of fat you're taking in. I have been under calories but over in fat. Also, the amount of sodium helps retain water. The more fiber you eat in the morning at breakfast helps subside your appetite. Maybe that will help. More excercise couldn't hurt any of us. Good luck!
  • Are you sure you are tracking every single calorie you intake? At first I often forgot drinks and stuff?

    And are you weighing yourself at the same time of day, wearing the same kind of things? Weight can fluctuate up to 5pounds every day!

    I always weigh myself in the morning... I don't always wear the same things though...
  • When you work out are you eating 1200 net calories (i.e. eating the extra calories you have earned from your exercise.)
  • When you work out are you eating 1200 net calories (i.e. eating the extra calories you have earned from your exercise.)

    I usually try to!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I highly recommend taking your measurements, sticking with MFP for a couple more weeks, and measuring again. Remember, muscle is denser than fat, which means that if your exercising is building muscle, you might not take off weight, but you will take off inches.
  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 272 Member
    May sound weird, but try eating a little more. I had one week where I switched my goals to lose 2lbs a week and was eating fewer calories and the scale didn't budge. I upped it back up and I saw some good results.

    Also, drinking more water helps me A LOT!