South Beach --- help please :)

Started South Beach with my dad (he has already gone through four weeks and lost about 40 pounds .. he restarted phase 1 today) .. at dinner I was not feeling so well and he took my blood sugar which was 79 :( going to go up in the morning and have it taken fasting and see what it is .. I did come home and drink some OJ and felt somewhat better but still not great. Plus I entered my food intake for today and was way under my calorie goal of 1200 .. if someone could take a look that is familiar with SB and let me know if Im going to hurt myself with the calories .. this is what the plan said to eat today :( Im a little worried about my calorie intake. Thanks for the input :)


  • jbqueen
    jbqueen Posts: 89 Member
    Your diary is locked to all but your friends... :)
  • stephanieharmon
    stephanieharmon Posts: 19 Member
    Fixed it --- sorry
  • Jewels211
    Jewels211 Posts: 184 Member
    I'm confused about the part where you said, "This what the plan said to eat today." Are you following the example meals from the book or something? Those are in there just as examples. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with following them if you want, but basically what they're doing is showing you what a wide variety of food you can have even on Phase 1. But you do not have to follow that at all. What Dr. A wants you to do is get in 5-7 servings of veggies a day (1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked is one serving), a serving of protein at each meal, a couple of snacks of protein/fat/veggie between meals, like nuts or peanut butter on celery for one, maybe string cheese and a bit of raw veggies for the other, and then a nice dessert in the evening. If you eat an egg or two for breakfast, some chicken with a big salad for lunch, nuts and string cheese as snacks, as well as more veggies, and then chicken or fish or a lean hamburger with a couple of cooked veggies for sides for supper, as well as a dessert of say 1/2 c greek yogurt with sweetener & flavoring of some kind for dessert, or a NSA fudgcicle, I can't see a problem with getting adequate calories. Oh, and a suggestion is to eat a serving of beans--great northern, pinto, black, etc.--per day will help keep blood sugar more stable, and added needed fiber that will help with the possibility of "SBD flu"--a feeling of just being kind of "off", lethargic, etc. around days 3-5, and keep your digestive tract moving along nicely. :smile: