Butterflies Breaking Free. . .Jade39



  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    9/7 Water over, calories under.

    didn't workout today due to being very sick. maybe I can make it up tomorrow.

    Sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well. . I sure hope that you are feeling much better now. . you are in my thoughts and prayers. . . Have a great day.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    FRIENDS. . . . Okay. . .FUN time. . Introductions please. . . FIRST NAMES if you want to . . . if not cool. . .I'll start. . .>>>>ERICA (((( A.K.A. Jade. . ))))
  • mamathrash2
    mamathrash2 Posts: 80 Member
    I can't remember if I logged yesterday or not but water done, calories under and challenges done for both yesterday and today :)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I log mine under vigorous calisthenics
  • alisa1973
    alisa1973 Posts: 37 Member
    9/9 water over, calories under, challenge completed.
  • Cals good, water over, made up yesterday's exercises and completed todays..except the 1.5 miles, so I have to do 3 miles tomorrow!! 9/9
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    Check-in: done, done, done.... BUT no extra challenges, sorry. Bum foot making it hard enough for others. :cry:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    FRIENDS. . . . Okay. . .FUN time. . Introductions please. . . FIRST NAMES if you want to . . . if not cool. . .I'll start. . .>>>>ERICA (((( A.K.A. Jade. . ))))

    I'm Sarah, haha :) Hard to figure out, huh? :glasses:
  • Thursday: calories under, water 80+, no challenge completed due to flooding situation.
    Friday: calories under, water 80+, completed today's challenge and yesterday's challenge.
    Saturday: calories under, water 80, completed today's challenge.

    Oh...first name is Heather.
  • alisa1973
    alisa1973 Posts: 37 Member
    9/10 All completed.
  • alisa1973
    alisa1973 Posts: 37 Member
    weight today 137.8
  • mamathrash2
    mamathrash2 Posts: 80 Member
    Today's weight is 163.2! First name is Tracy :)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    9-5 Monday - under calories, good on water, exercise challenge complete
    9-6 Tuesday - under calories, good on water, no challenge today - Ran a 5K for extra point!!
    9-7 Wednesday - under cals, good on water, did Tues. and Wed challenge
    9-8 Thursday - under calories, good on water, gave blood so no exercise
    9-9 Friday - under calories, good on water, did Thurs and Fri challenge - Ran a 5K for extra point!!
    9-10 Saturday - under cals, good on water, took today as my rest day. :)
    9-11 Sunday - under cals, good on water, did Saturday challenge - Ran a 5K for an extra point!!

    Really happy to offer 3 extra points for doing 5Ks this week :) I am proud of myself for finally reaching that length of mileage! :glasses:

    Weight this morning: 140.4 :happy:
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Hi everyone.. . Love the numbers coming in. . I could really like to see everyone else come in with their numbers and weights. . I will have to go do some chasing!

    You guys are tearin it up! yay~! Sarah. . . we are just going to nickname you "5K" :smile:
  • Erica--I did not have the opportunity to weigh in over the weekend due to the flooding we are having to deal with here in my community. Sorry. I will have numbers for you by the end of the week.

    I did not complete the extra mile team challenge for last week. Sorry....a lot going on here.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    WEEK 3 –PYGMY SERIES (Advanced)

    Week Three Daily Exercise Challenge
    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team
    members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus

    Welcome to Week 3 you are the PYGYMY TRIBE it’s time to see what you are really made of! You wanna be a BUSHMEN one day right?
    Make modifications as necessary and use water bottles, soup cans or my favorite Tomato Juice cans as weights! They really do work!

    Day 1 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 2 – 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 3 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 4 - 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 5 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 6 - 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 7 – REST YOU DESERVED IT! BTW If you did all the walking congratulations you completed 6 miles. A 5k is only 3.1 You've now walked 2 5K's this week! See I knew you could do it!

    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise!*********

    Week Two Weekly Team Challenge

    Same water and calories challenge plus 500 crunches/sit ups for the entire week! No groaning you can do this!
    Make sure you perform abdominal stretches after the crunches. They are key to a quick painless recovery. You can do the crunches anyway you want 100 a day, 50 in the a.m. 50 at night or all 500 in one day. Its up to you!

    *Modification for Burpees - get down on the floor on your hands and knees (four on the floor) and then quickly go to standing position and raise your hands above your head and then immediately return to the 4 on the floor position and repeat.

    WEEK 3 – BUSHMEN SERIES (Advanced)

    Week THREE Daily Exercise Challenge

    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team
    members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus

    Welcome to Week 3 you are at the 1/2 way mark! RAISE YOUR SPEARS! Make sure you begin each exercise challenge with a 4 minute tabata workout.

    THIS IS ANOTHER SPARTAN 300 Cardio Workout Series.
    Attempt to do all of these series at one time. If possible do not break these up along the day.

    Day 1 - 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 50 Windshield Wipers, 50 Kick Squats (don’t pop those knee joints), 50 Globe jumps (each jump up counts as one), 50 Lunges (25 each leg)

    Day 2 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 3 - 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 50 Windshield Wipers, 50 Kick Squats (don’t pop those knee joints), 50 Globe jumps (each jump up counts as one), 50 Lunges (25 each leg)

    Day 4 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 5 - 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 50 Windshield Wipers, 50 Kick Squats (don’t pop those knee joints), 50 Globe jumps (each jump up counts as one), 50 Lunges (25 each leg)

    Day 6 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of Woodchops, 30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 7 – REST YOU DESERVE IT! Week 3 we’re are stepping it up to another level! BE PSYCHED!

    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise!*********

    Week Three Weekly Team Challenge
    Same water and calories challenge plus walk, run, jog 5 miles this week all at once. No break , No stopping!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Hey Erica,
    there is a weekly challenge listed as week 2 under the pygmy exercises, then there is a different one listed as week 3 under the bushmen exercises.

    Do we try for both? Or do we choose one or the other?
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Hi all - sorry am a bit behind, have been away for the weekend

    9-9 under calories, good on water Challenge complete
    9-10 under cals, good water, no challenge :(
    9-11 under cals, good on water, made up for sat and ran an extra 5k (I actually ran 15 but we only get to count it once right? ) :)
    9 - 12 Under cals, good on water - missed my challenge but will make it up today!

    Weigh in on Sunday I was 121.8 :)
  • I was nonstop from the moment I woke up until now (9:30pm) so I did not do any of the actual exercises, but I did complete 1.5 miles of the 2 for today. I will make them up..PROMISE! PTA is just really busy right now. Cals and Water are also good for today. 9/12
  • Ok, so I felt totally lazy after typing that so I got off my bunk and did the exercises. Just need to make up .5 mile. Phew.