Ladies TOM changing and stalled weight loss?

I was just wondering if anyone was having this same problem...

After being off Depo Vera for a year, my cycles still aren't regulated and I go 1-3 weeks past when it was the month before. Whenever this happens I notice my weight stall out. The weight stall isn't due to my eating or exercise habits, so I wasnt sure if it was a hormonal thing. Anyone else with odd cycles have this problem? Today is my TOM (2 weeks past when it should have started) and I just started dropping weight again.


  • amaflo
    amaflo Posts: 7
    I've noticed that it's extremely difficult for me to lose weight while I'm menstruating. It's not all in my head, as I still do the same exercise and have the same caloric intake with the same diet. I've also noticed that a few days before and after it has begun, I'm tapped out in the exercise department. What's normally easy for me leaves me winded and exhausted.

    Not sure if it's the same for every woman, though.
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Yes. Mine is water and constipation (Sorry if TMI)--god knows what my cracked out hormones are up to in there...I've definitely got an imbalance going on, acne, worst cramps of my life, minor hair loss, minor hair growth, etc, etc. Can't really pester my husband to go to the doctor since I haven't been for this and it really on the top of my list. Ahh...well.

    But to answer your question. Yes, most definitely, I will gain and then lose 3-5 lbs during my period. It's really frustrating.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I flatline on weight loss 7-10 days before the TOM and crave sweets like crazy, but once it starts, I drop several pounds really fast.