September Shred: Blue team (Closed)

My last bit of energy for the day is to create our new thread!!

Two more days until our official kick off for September Shred!!!

What are your biggest challenges to staying focused?

I have 3 - emotional stress and time stress. When time runs short I end up grabbing crap to eat that I shouldn't and then the attitude of "well I already messed up today so what does it matter?" Which turns into "This week is blown so what does it matter" and next thing I know I've gain 10 pounds and am eating my way to 20!
The 2nd is social eating! Someone brings in cupcakes or bagels or donuts and I feel compelled to eat some even when I don't want one OR a friend wants to go out to lunch/dinner and I really want to be part of the group but then I end up making horrible dinner choices and that leads to the attitude of "i already messed up..." such a vicious cycle
The last one is being tired! I am a night owl but work an early morning job... At the end of the day I'm too tired to workout most days and I hate getting up early to do it!!

So what is your biggest challenge?

Here's the group member list again :flowerforyou:
Amber 393


  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 472 Member
    bumpity bump to answer in a bit.
  • MrsVagus
    MrsVagus Posts: 82
    Emotional eating for sure!!! And Shalimarmandy, I totally agree with you about the stress eating and vicious cycle....ugh. So frustrating and so hard to get back on track after a bad bite/meal/day/week/month/YEAR.
  • delmeg10
    delmeg10 Posts: 92 Member
    Yay, our new thread!

    To answer your question, I think my biggest challenge is chasing around two little ones all day long. As I said, Luke is 3 years old and Jake will be 1 year old on Thursday. Luke has special needs and takes a lot of my attention throughout the day. Jake has developmental delays, so if he wants to play, I have to be right there by his side the entire time. Luke is going back to preschool starting on Thursday, but he is only in school from 9-12, so I still have him the majority of the day. It's difficult for me to plan workouts around them, because at any given moment one of them may need my attention.

    I also hate working out first thing in the morning. I have started doing a quick 10 minute workout while Luke eats breakfast, because the only other time I get to do a real workout is while he's napping (when he does, these days). I think if I could force myself to get up before the boys and workout, I'd probably have more energy throughout the day. It's just difficult because I'm a night owl and definitely not a morning person.

    My last challenge is my husband. He doesn't workout at all, he doesn't watch what he eat, and he drinks a lot! So he's got that beer belly! Lol... He literally works all day, comes home and sits on the sofa watching TV. So, although he is very supportive of my decisions to change my lifestyle. He'll even watch the boys if I have to workout at night. He just doesn't want to change his lifestyle, which is challenging for me. Most of the time I have to make two different dinners, because he wants meat and potatoes and doesn't eat any vegetables except for corn.

    Anyway, I'm sure ya'll will be able to help me through my challenges! Bring on Thursday! :-)
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    My biggest challenge lately is motivation. When I was doing P90X I knew I had to press play everyday even if I did not feel like it. I am currently training for a half marathon and my motivation has suddendly windled. i am trying to get back on track and doing it one step at a time. First step is to start logging in food again. Then i will work on water. Fortunately I have been consistent with running throughout the summer. I ended not gaining but also not losing any weight during summer. I am ready to break this plateau and say goodbye to the 150's for good. I need to lose 7 more pounds to reach a healthy BMI.
  • My biggest challenge is getting to the gym and finishing my work outs! I worked with a trainer all summer and I struggled a bit with getting in for cardio, and doing my whole 40 minutes of cardio..

    Now I'm out of the gym and don't have a trainer anymore so it's me, Jillian Michaels, and a few other trainers on dvds ;) I'm hoping it will be easier to stick to when I have a set dvd routine to finish - no hitting stop halfway through!
  • rocki21
    rocki21 Posts: 108 Member
    My biggest challenge all the time is staying motivated on my work days since i work overnight sometimes during the day i don't wake up early enough to work out before i have to make supper and then go to work. I also like to get an hour or two in before i go to work so sometimes this can be challenging. Also after work I usually don't feel like working out depend on the day i guess. So far i have been working out and not missing any days. but for a while there in seemed like when i was working i would skip days.

    My other challenge hopefully by the end of next month is to start jogging for 5min. intervals right now I'm on the C25K and I'm on the week where you jog 1 1/2min then walk the same amount and then do 3min. and do the same amount i usually do that for 35 min. or more now.
  • gdr1976
    gdr1976 Posts: 460 Member
    My biggest challenge will be getting to the gym before work. I work 7pm-7am and I usually go after work. But my wife goes back to work this week and since we only have the 1 car I am going to have to get straight home after work. This means getting up earlier and heading to the gym and hoping I have enough time to get a decent work out in, showered,and to work on time.

    How many teams do we have for the challenge? I'm excited about this.
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 472 Member
    My biggest challenge I would say is combination of emotional eating/boredom eating. I need to learn to do something else if I'm not hungry.

    Another challenge is my work schedule working 4 hours in the morning, off 4 hours, and work 4 hours at night. I hate the schedule but greatful for the job.

    Also, exercise. I get bored easily. If I get bored with it I stop doing it.
  • delmeg10
    delmeg10 Posts: 92 Member
    Everyone has great challenges that they struggle with. This is going to be so great to be able to support each other! :-)
  • My biggest challenge is eating out of boredom and stress. Since I'm a student with no summer job i dont do that much during the summer. I also never have the motivation to work out so I just let myself push it off.
  • KJanae87
    KJanae87 Posts: 54
    My biggest challenge is time and family. I have a 11 month old and I work full time night shifts so its difficult to balance work, spending time with family, and exercise. Because on that list exercise falls at the bottom. I HAVE to work and spending time with my family comes first...sometimes I feel guilty taking time for myself to exercise instead of using my free time to be with my family.

    Also...its hard to cook healthy meals when my husband is a meats and potatoes kind of guy. And its also difficult going to work and there ALWAYS being JUNK food around to eat that others bring in.

    PS how do you get the September Shred picture to show up????? I'm COMPLETELY new to MFP!
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    My biggest challenge is time. I work a full time job, and have a 5 year daughter and an 11 month old son. I have a hard time balancing work, husband, kids, house and finding time to do what I need to do for myself. Finding time to plan healthy meals is difficult, so we end up eating out more than we should. Also, my husband is trying to lose some weight too, which is great, but we have to trade off going to the gym in the evenings, so someone will be home with the children. I've been trying to work out at home on days that he goes to the gym (Wii, 30 day shred, etc.).
  • KJanae87
    KJanae87 Posts: 54
    bump. Can somebody tell me how to put the September shred picture in my signature. I'm clueless!
  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    bump. Can somebody tell me how to put the September shred picture in my signature. I'm clueless!

    Here is the code for the Blue Team:


    Place that in your signature and change IMG to img :smile:
  • laurielie
    laurielie Posts: 133 Member lost me......I stink at this kinda stuff, Im lucky to do the "basics" LOL.......:huh: :grumble:
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    Hey all you September Shredders! Tomorrow is the day! Don't forget to send me your sept starting weight!!!

    I saw some awesome challenges we all need to over come - keeping to our schedules, not letting emotions dictate our food, and keep from getting bored!

    So just to be sure we are all exercising (most of you are doing amazing workouts) our first weekly challenge is to work out AT LEAST 5 times this week for a minimum of 30 minutes each time. We can't forget to doing resistance training/ toning so we need to make at least 2 of those workouts resistance/weight training or toning exercises. (If you are already doing this then your challenge is to maintain the time while increasing your effort!)

    The second part of the challenge is to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. When you increase your exercise your muscles will try to retain water. Making sure you are hydrated will help counteract that!

    @Laurielie - No worries you are doing great just being here!!!! Thanks for sending in your weight you are the first!!
  • Official Weigh-in tomorrow! I'm really looking forward to it! I am hoping to lose 5 lbs in September! My first week will be a little hard since I will spending the long weekend at my boyfriend's parents. Which means... lots of eating, not a lot of exercising!

    My biggest challenge is eating. I find this site super useful in helping me realize just HOW MUCH I ACTUALLY EAT! But ... I can't really help it. I really REALLY love food. Food and food-related activities make me really happy. My boyfriend even said to me that after we go grocery shopping, he can really notice that I become REALLY REALLY happy. It is super obvious.

    I also have another problem with eating. Sometimes I eat very well, but something would happen and then I end up eating bad food for days, weeks, sometimes even a whole month... I would end up feeling a need to buy a cookie or baked good everytime I saw one. I still haven't figured out why that happens... :(

    So yes, eating is my biggest problem. It's not bad all the time. But there are periods where it can get really ugly. I need a healthier relationship with food. Suggestions anyone?

    Also, another challenge would be finding time / being motivated to work out. I do not wake up early enough to work out before work, and often I feel like going straight home and do nothing, except for lounge around the apartment and eat... oh yes... eating again.
  • Hey all you September Shredder! Tomorrow is the day! Don't forget to send me your sept starting weight!!!

    I saw some awesome challenges we all need to over come - keeping to our schedules, not letting emotions dictate our food, and keep from getting bored!

    So just to be sure we are all exercising (most of you are doing amazing workouts) our first weekly challenge is to work out AT LEAST 5 times this week for a minimum of 30 minutes each time. We can't forget to doing resistance training/ toning so we need to make at least 2 of those workouts resistance/weight training or toning exercises. (If you are already doing this then your challenge is to maintain the time while increasing your effort!)

    The second part of the challenge is to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. When you increase your exercise your muscles will try to retain water. Making sure you are hydrated will help counteract that!

    @Laurielie - No worries you are doing great just being here!!!! Thanks for sending in your weight you are the first!!

    Oh no! I already won't be able to meet my first challenge!! The water part is fine, but the 5x of exercise this week? I have evening plans tomorrow night, and then I am on vacation from Friday night until Monday night... and I also have a mid-week going away thing for a friend Weds night... even if I manage to sneak away at my boyfriend's parents place to go for a run (which might not be possible and it looks like it's going to rain anyways) I don't anticipate working out more than 2 times this week! :(:(:(
  • gdr1976
    gdr1976 Posts: 460 Member
    this is going to be fun. When do you want weekly weigh ins by? We are so going to kick the red teams *kitten*!!!
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    Oh no! I already won't be able to meet my first challenge!! The water part is fine, but the 5x of exercise this week? I have evening plans tomorrow night, and then I am on vacation from Friday night until Monday night... and I also have a mid-week going away thing for a friend Weds night... even if I manage to sneak away at my boyfriend's parents place to go for a run (which might not be possible and it looks like it's going to rain anyways) I don't anticipate working out more than 2 times this week! :(:(:(
    Just do what you can... This is a holiday weekend and our first week which is why I tried to keep it simple... Even if you can't go for a run you might try doing some toning exercises like crunches or something that doesn't require you to go outside or any workout equipment... Anything you can do will be awesome! Don't let this get you down you can always make up for it next week!