Feeling guilty after eating..

Am I the only one that feels like I should do something to work off what I just ate? I feel like I should do some form of exercise to burn away calories to either make sure I have enough left for the day, or because I just feel fat... I work out for about 3 hours a day because of volleyball. Once I get home I feel lazy and I feel like I should be exercising instead.

I'm also noticing that I talk way to much about losing weight and watching what I eat.. Is it a sign of obsession?:indifferent:


  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member

    I'm also noticing that I talk way to much about losing weight and watching what I eat.. Is it a sign of obsession?:indifferent:

    Not obsession... dedication :D
  • ddkiniry
    ddkiniry Posts: 26 Member

    Well, dieting can be a slippery slope. By that i mean, it can be easy for some people to go too far with it and become seriously ill. However, its also ok for it to be on your mind a lot - ESPECIALLY when you have a set goal. I think as long as its a healthy goal, and you're eating good things and exercising, your mind will be healthy too. Perhaps you dont need to worry about obsession until it starts to control you - and other people notice it controlling you. I dont know if this helped, but dont feel guilty about making a positive change, but be aware if you're doing it in a healthy manner - because that will keep you safe. =)

    good luck with your goals!
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    **Note that I am NOT implying that you have any form of ED**

    I've had enough of having guilt be associated with food. That guilt ruled my life for years.

    Eat. Feel guilty. Eat to comfort. Feel more guilty. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.


    Eat. Feel guilty. Don't eat rest of week.

    Either way, I'm so sick of it. I still feel twinges of that guilt to this day, but now it just makes me angry more than anything. Today I had a Nutty Buddy bar, and I REFUSE to feel bad about it. I absolutely re-freakin-fuse.
  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member

    I'm also noticing that I talk way to much about losing weight and watching what I eat.. Is it a sign of obsession?:indifferent:

    Not obsession... dedication :D

    Well, it could be dedication, but I'd keep a close eye on how much you are talking/thinking about food/weight loss. If it is taking over, you might have a problem.

    I feel guilty after every morsel I eat, which is not a healthy way to approach food/weight loss. I have an ED and the guilt over eating is a major sign of a possible problem.
  • mampm1
    mampm1 Posts: 88
    Let your calories be your guide...calories burned vs. calories consumed. As long as I'm below my calories I'm a happy man. Continued success to you!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I never feel guilty about eating. We are supposed to eat. I believe that food is not just fuel, it also brings people together to celebrate and grieve, and it can and should be enjoyed.

    That being said, I don't waste calories on yucky things. It's got to taste good, and if it does and it's within my allowance, I am happy to eat it.

    Also, nothing wrong with wanting a bit of dessert, and then exercising to make up for it if it put you over your calories for the day. Perfect solution.

  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    I'm the same way. I play soccer so I get exercise. A lot of the time I dot even want to go out with my friends bc I obsess about what I'm eatig. If I eat bak my exercise cals I get mad at myself but I seem to be doing that a lot lately. :( sent u a friend request! Good luck! Maybe we can help each other:)
  • nat102
    nat102 Posts: 118 Member
    I started getting super obsessed w calorie counting and dieting. I lost the weight so I stopped MFPing and gained it back! Not really sure now that my obsession wasa bad thing. It kept me on track...

    You said you're playing 3 hrs of volleyball a day? If you are eating healthy it seems like you should be TRYING to eat back all those exercise cals. You must burn 1500 a practice!!!
  • Duelltolose
    Duelltolose Posts: 119 Member
    You said you're playing 3 hrs of volleyball a day? If you are eating healthy it seems like you should be TRYING to eat back all those exercise cals. You must burn 1500 a practice!!!

    Actually, it's way more than 1500 calories that I burn... We have a very strict coach, which means a lot of working out!!

    But I just feel with anything I eat, I need to work it off right after.. I've been doing this for about two weeks and have lost 4 pounds.. I, for some reason, think I should be losing more..

    But thanks everyone!! It really helps to hear what you have to say!:happy: :wink:
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    If you're using the MFP tools, just follow the guidelines and watch the calories. Losing more that 2 pounds per week is considered unhealthy. One pound per week is a good goal for most people.
    After 3 hours of exercise, you need to relax and enjoy the afterburn!