Mission Slimpossible Group - start sept 2.nd



  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    Hey everybody! My regime has been a bit haywire the last two weeks. i've not been exercising enough and not been watching what i eat and have been making some really bad food choices (went over my calories by nearly 1000cals!!! yesterday). So i really need to focus and am hoping this group will provide the support i need.

    Starting weight 210llbs

    1- Shawwal fasts
    2- Eat more vegetables
    3- Exercise at the gym at least 4 times a week burning at least 600 cals on those days
    4- Detox
    5- Stay within my sugar limit

    1 sept - As i said i had a really bad day yesterday so i wont bore everyone with all the gory details
  • samantha0176
    samantha0176 Posts: 67 Member
    perfect timing...made it to this thread..i need this challenge :o)

    starting weight 132lb

    1) make it to the gym 4x a week or more
    2) take the kids for an evening walks weather permitting (will be missing those if dh gets his wish :o( )
    3) stay withing my calories
    4) no cheating except on cheat days!
    5) clean out my basement
  • Shaz_74
    Shaz_74 Posts: 100 Member
    I need to add one VERY important goal:

    *** Get to bed at a decent hour every night ***

    For the up coming week I'll try to be in bed before midnight. Each week I'll go to bed 30 minutes earlier. So by the end of the month I'll be going to bed right about .... NOW! hehe

    I've read that not enough sleep can hinder weight loss. What do you ladies think? What time do you usually go to bed and how many hours sleep do you average?
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I hope everyone had a lovely eid, i think i have overdone my calories in the last week. Especially as i was making brownies and cakes last week. But September is here and i am ready to burn some calories.

    Target fot this month

    1- Shawwal plus making up missed fast (thoughout the next few weeks)
    2-Drinking 8 glasses of water (at the moment i can have just 1- really bad)
    3 - Staying within calories.

    I don't have any weigh scales, so i will weigh myself tomorrow at the gym.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    yes- i like that- less complicated idea- of updating our status once a week .. but than maybe it's not going to be " enough support " if we are here only to post our results.. i don't know.. you guys decided what works for you - if you just want to post once a week - that's ok.. if you need more support and iteraction- write something and we will be here to help :)

    Sleeping is very important- lack of sleep can hinder weight loss- if you don't sleep enough you don't get all your " cells " renewed and replaced, your body doesn't get enough rest- you can be causing more stress to your body - without enough sleep- stress is releasing another hormone - i believe it was called " leptin" .. not sure - but it's called " stress hormone " - and that causes more fat-gain etc.. long story short- yes you need more sleep - not too much - but " right amount " and the best sleep is early- if you can make it to bed before eleven that's the best.. why ? i have read some books about the " internal clock of our body " etc.. so for exmp.. certain organs get renewed/ detoxified etc at a certain hour of the night.. our body is like a clock.. - if you don't sleep enough your cells don't get renewed- so how i understood it that causes also faster aging etc..
    you can find more about that stuff on the internet i'm sure :)

    I have been saying i will get " back to business " and be more serious.. but it's just not happening. I start every day with fresh fruits and veggies.. and healthy -intentions - and i mess up by the end of the day ..
    still can't workout i'm so sick i can barely swollow.. had to walk today - took the kids to the park and i was chocking on my own breath because the throat is soo dry and swollen- i can' talk it's hurting me .. so no exercise for me until this gets better
    but without exercise .. i'm just not " as serious " as i should be :(

    hope that after monday i will be in the gym - monday is holiday- kids are home .. and the gym is prob. closed to..
    i will keep trying to keep my food better.. husband is going back to work tomorrow so that brings back some " normal life " schedule back .. he was on vacation for half of ramadan.. so everything was kind of - unscheduled..

    i'm tired.. i need my " regular " schedule back..
  • Shaz_74
    Shaz_74 Posts: 100 Member
    I can't wait for my kids to go back to school either! They start on the 10th. The 2 younger ones have been off since the beginning of June! They only have about 6 weeks of school before they're off again for the Hajj break.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    watching my cals once again this time ill zig zag my cals but with good choices
    i have reset my food diary headings just to make sure that i take my supplements and cuppa milk - im turning 30 soon and my mother has osteoprosis, i know its late late but have to start
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    i too am looking forward to the kids getting back to school this week so i can attempt to get back into my gym routine. I was hoping to go to the gym tommorrow as well as start on the cabbage soup diet but my trainers are soaking wet after a day at the amusement park and i haven't prepared the soup so wont be doing either. Just feel so frustrated that i cant get down to business. I need more time to plan my food and exercise but there's always something or someone that needs my attention!
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    So everyone... here is my weekly report/update
    As for my goals of Last week-- I did work out daily, (thought haven't gotten back to the shred yet, ankle is still too sore) and I went over on my calories twice :( . I also didn't read daily.

    So, this week.
    CW-153.4 (same as last week--sigh.)

    Stay within 1200 calories
    Drink 8 glasses of water daily
    keep working out daily
    read for 30mins daily
    spend more time with my daughter. :)
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    is it already time for weekly update ? :)

    I wanted to ask- has anyone of you guys seen the docum . movie - fat, sick and nearly dead ?
    if so - what do you think of it ? if no- can you watch it ? it's on netflix ..

    I have seen it and i'm kind of inspired to give it a try. It's matching my goals of detoxing- and thebooks i have been reading lately- " you are what you eat " - good book from Jillian McKeith- a lot of veggies and fruits- nuts and beans in this book :) .. mostly veggie juices that you are making yourself. -

    So this docum. movie is about a guy who decided to do a 60 day diet - that included NOTHNG but juices.. fresh veggies/fruits- that he juiced himself- .. that's all he had.
    I don't think 60 days is realistic for me- but if we got enough people in this group to try it out together..and just see how far we can go..

    first i do recommend watching the movie.. than deciding if it something you are up for..

    just to say- that guy has lost more than 80 lbs in 60 days.. and almost went off of his medications ! he looked great at the end of the movie. It really inspired me.

    What do you all think // any body interested in giving it a try ?
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    I am a huge advocate for eating raw and juicing (hence the picture on my profile). I think for sure read about the benefits of eating raw before you get into it, because it isn't just about losing weight there are amazing health benefits to it as well. Of course you don't have to go 100% raw you could move slowly into it, or you could do a juice diet, but be careful cause if you intend to switch back to cooked food you can quickly regain.
    Also look into how to do a juice fast. You should work into it. It is also expensive in places where produce isn't super cheap. There is lots of research out there, and there are a lot of interesting videos online about juice fasts and eating raw. Do the research first.
    I started Ramadan doing just raw oats in the morning and then juices for iftar and again before bed. But it takes commitment and it will impact your digestion. You go through a detox and that is also something you should read about and look into.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    i need to detox i just feel stuffed and bloated and no energy .. i mean the past month has been bad food wise- and no workouts.

    my joints are in pain- no doctor was able to tell me why... a natural-path doctor told me that's inflamation i get from wrong type of food.. it was getting better - but now it's super bad.. - and i realize that could be because my food was out of control for the past month.

    So i'm willing to give this juicing a try.. for as long as i can take it .. just to see what it feels like - i mean i'm not happy now .. so it can't make me " too much unhappier " right ?

    well.. i made my " first try " of mixed veggies .. ( if you are experienced in this - please help me ! this is not going well so far ) l it's my first atempt

    what did i do ?
    1 carrot
    2 stalks of celery
    some cilantro
    1 red bell pepper
    1/4 of yellow bell p.
    1 lemon
    1 lime
    2 cups water
    1 can of crushed pineapple ( didn't have apples in the house )

    ok.. my son came downstairs.. he heared the vita mix working and thought i was making the " regular fruit smoothie " that my kids like.. so he came rushing thinking it's " breakfast time " than he looked at that .. thing.. in the vita mix machine and asked me with a hand on his nose " what stinks in here ? did you burn something ? .. uuuuggghhhh.. that's disgusting looking..

    it's a earthy.. orangy/redish color .. but the smell is strong -

    now i do realize i have made a mistake with those pineapples- i don't think i would be able to drink it at all without them.. but a can has really added soooo much sugar - ! and carbs - and calories

    so first atempt- not going well - i finished the juice .. but .. i'm very much over my sugar budget.. and i need to figure this better way out ..

    any experienced ones.. share recipes and - tips .. i need help in this :)

    i know this is not something for long term , but like i said i need a boost - jump start- detox thing ..
  • Shaz_74
    Shaz_74 Posts: 100 Member
    ...... but how did it TASTE??? :glasses:
    Vitamix should have a lot of recipes on their website.

    Tomorrow is my last Shawwal fast, then I should be able to get my diet / calorie counting in order IA.
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    Unfortunately, i haven't achieved any of my goals this week. I'm back at work tommorrow and the kids are back at school on wednesday (IA). My plan is to start my shawwal fast tommorrow for 6 days (IA) and take it from there.

    Personally, I don't think i could manage the juice diet but will be interested in reading about how it goes for others.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    it tasted like roasted bell peppers .. liquid hummus - citrusy thing :) hahaha

    Just finished watching this " forks over knives " documentary .. ( i have watched so many documentary on health and food i can't even name them all ) .. more and more i'm convinced on the " plant-based diet " ..

    beginning of this year i hired a trainer and she got me loaded on eggs and fish and chicken and .. high protein , low carb diet.. but it was a lot of animal products.. - yes she wanted me to get of dairy but - i consumed like 4-6 boiled eggs a day with chicken chicken and more chicken, than fish and turkey
    i had lost some weight.. but i had still all my joint pain , knee pain.. i felt often miserable.. sometimes stuffed .. sometimes starved.. and sick and tired of the limited choices.. i mean you can only eat so many eggs and chicken till you can't see it anymore..

    Now i think that the produce section is huge.. there are so many fruits and veggies.. and so many options to combine and always make something new.. different etc.
    I don't think you can go wrong with too many veggies ? fruits yes.. but veggies- i don't htink so ..

    Starting today - my goal is to stick to a plant based diet- legumes and nuts. Yes that sound kind of " vegan " i'm not a vegan in the way that i think that animals shouldn't be eaten because they are " victims and innocent " - i still believe that animals should be eaten- but - not the animals we have today.. They are loaded with hormones and pesticides. If i could afford to eat " organic beef /chicken " ( if that's a guarantee to be any healthier ) i would be happy to eat it.

    So let's see how long i can last on this plant-based diet.. and i will keep you all posted how i feel and how it's all going.

    Today is day one . Start weight 252 lbs.
    Lot's of pain in my hands - especially right hand /
    my left knee hurts so badly i can hardly bend it - it hurts when i pray - esp. when going down.
    ankle pain/ feet hurt
    back pain - lower - and between shoulders.
    my sleep is not as it should be ..
    up until yesterday - i had a lot of food cravings.. kept eating -but never felt full or satisfied.. and after i had that one more cookie etc.. was not happy - my will power was going down the drain.. than i would have another cookie/pc of chocolate.. and the circle kept going on.

    Like i said this is day one.. - i have survived breakfast ( veggie/fruit juice ) .. and had a salad for lunch- no dressing.. but a whole lot of mixed veggies- for protein had some kidney beans in the salad- and my fat was 1/2 avocado.

    i don't feel hungry..

    if it stays this way it will be " survivible "

    recommending for everyone to watch the documentaries - they are really inspiring, informational.. educational .. we need to educate ourself as much as we can :) don't let others tell you what you should /shouldn't be eating.. ( food pyramid etc ) .. i don't let doctors tell me what to do .. stopped believing them long time ago- since i was working with them - for years and saw that every patient was only " one more number on the paycheck ' one more guine pig to experiment on.. just one more case.. i saw it .. worked with them for years .. witnessed it - and i refuse to be one more on their list .. i want to find out what is right for me -

    " one third of what you eat- keeps you alive
    the rest keeps your doctor alive "

    - the food should be our medicine- i strongly believe that. No , not the ice cream that was medicating me into " temporary happiness " you know what i mean :)
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone

    starting weight - 124

    Im still fasting, so my calorie intakes are good. But water still on the downside.

    Exercising, not that much. But hopefully next week will be better.

    Major downside is sleep, which i have not done. Really need to sleep early.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    Hey everybody, its time for weekly update but i dont know but i dont seem to lose weight, i joined MFP at 76kgs went to 73kgs then im back to 75kgs, i dont know but my thyroid is flutuating too much i used to test my TSH after 3 months and since MAY 28, 2011(1st day with MFP)its gonna be my 3 test and every time my result comes at the extreme far end like pendulum. and after by the endof Ramadan i decided to weigh myself every other day coz i have found this OCD works for me

    So this time i went to new Internist named Aala i was expecting a lady dr but when the nurse opened door there was a guy. anyways, i told him my symptoms of getting my legs numb and tingling sensations and i could not sleep last night as i had to change my position to keep blood flowing.

    well i have been not eating meat and eggs for last 3 months i did it last year too for 5 months but my reason was not for losing weight...anyways Dr gave me 13 blood tests, Vitamin B, D,potassium, CBC and a lot more... and he thought that I am weak :) I know its not weight related but he thought that I am not healthy..result will come on Sat...so while on my way to home I was thinking to resume eating meat. but lets see what the results turn out..and btw when I told i take centrum as my supplement he was like it is like a candy, anyways next time ill ask what does he mean by that?
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    ugh i guess this juicing thing is a learning process

    today talked to the gym owner/trainer.. and she was like - if you keep juicing and not using this supplements/herbs to push that stuff out you will just ruin your bladder and liver- bc. you are breaking down the toxins but not getting rid of them.. so she said you either get all the herbs from " this " list ( she showed me a super long list of things i'm not familiar with ) like.. water cress grass ? don't know other stuff.. it was a long list- so she said get all of this stuff and soak it and get it in a form of tea -drink it - it's nesty and stinks.. or you take this pill - - she has it it's called " optimal detox
    some of the ingridients are
    artichoke leaf- 600 mg
    milk thistle seed extract 262 mg
    watercress herb 500 mg
    folic acid 800
    vitamin b6 - b12 etc

    so i got that bottle of pills- need to take it 2x a day

    now to the " juicing part " .. she was like " if you are going to be juicing my dear.. than you can't have any solid food.. no fruits no salad.. no protein powder.. it's either juicing or not juicing..
    so she explained to me the process of what the body does while you are juicing etc.. it made more sense

    i guess yesterday and today was more like a - " veggie-fruit-salad -based 2 days.. plan

    even like this- i 'm hungry.. my kids just asked me to make spagheti for them.. ugh i could lick the plates :( it all looks good.. it's really not easy .. i'm missing the food

    but i will be ok !
  • Shaz_74
    Shaz_74 Posts: 100 Member
    BOSANKA - my dear Sister, your detox sounds like torture to me :flowerforyou:

    I decided to start the 17 Day Diet today (don't be fooled by the name, it's actually 3 cycles of 17 days :tongue: )
    I planned out my entire day and filled out my food diary. From past experience - advanced planning is the key to success for me.


    I've got lots of protein, LOADS of veggies, some fruit, good fats and a bit of dairy. I don't anticipate getting hungry but if I do, there's quite a bit of calories to spare.

    Time for breakfast!

    If anyone's interested in this diet, I've got the book as a pdf file I can email it to you. Just pm me your email addy.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    It's actually not as bas as it might sound.. strangly i don't have cravings for food..only the desire to eat comes now and than..when i have to prep food for family- everything smells and looks good.. want to bite that fres warm bread.. but i'm staying strong ! This is day 3.

    This morning i think i enjoyed that juice/smoothie thing.. it had kale, celery, spinach, red chard- carrot, apple, pear and a few green grapes. It tasts good..

    I have to work today .. so i made a few extra servingsand put them in the freezer so i can take them with me to work..

    getting ready for the gym.. . Whilei'm on this de-tox thing i won't kill myself to much in the gym.. as long as i get my hrm arround 150-160 i think that's enough.. i get to sweat.. and about 45-60 min..s hould be enough with all the other activities i get through out the day with work etc. I don't want to burn myselfout to the point that i will be hungry bc of too much exercise..

    they say it get's better after few days.. and you actually start feeling energized.. will see :)