Need To Lose 50 pounds till my 19th birthday! Help x)

edited October 1 in Motivation and Support

So my goal is to lose either 50 pounds by December..
I have already lost 15 pounds this month of August..
But I need to lose more I know its a short amount of time but I just need to
Do it for me.So any advice?

Weight Now: 208 pounds
Height: 5'5

My Meal Plan Now:
800 calories or a little less
Milk / Chocolate Milk (whole or 2%)

Walking - 1hr to 4hr (various)


  • mimaduck83
    mimaduck83 Posts: 175 Member
    1st off welcome to MFP - 2nd please please make sure that you are eating more than 800 cal a day - especially if you are doing up to 4 hours of exercise a day.

    Use MFP to see what your calorie intake should be - don't just guess. You will run the risk of your body hitting ketosis and you'll lose water, not weight. Also, given that you are 18, your body is still changing and will NEED the calories! Well done on your loss so far...but do not put your health at risk!

    Good luck!
  • runslikeagirl
    runslikeagirl Posts: 140 Member
    800 calories?? Yikes!!!
  • try the hcg diet- I am on round 2 and have lost 75 pounds since April and only half of that time was spent on the diet
  • mike737
    mike737 Posts: 68
    Whoa man ! 800cals is not enough

    1200 minimum plus extra if your exercising.

    Everyone wants a quick weight loss, but this site works for people playing the long game.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    800 calories?? Yikes!!!


    OP, at least 1200. AND eat back your exercise calories.

  • CindiBryce
    CindiBryce Posts: 438
    50 pounds by December?
    I understand you want to look your best for your birthday, but 800 calories is not sustainable. Your metabolism will suffer tremendously. Soon enough, your body will adjust and you'll have to eat less and less to lose weight.

    Eat 800 calories or less only if you want to permanently damage your health.
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 800 is too low! You need to be eating far more, especially if you are doing regular exercise as you need the energy to see you through the sessions! If you crash your body into only receiving 800 cals, once you stop dieting and increase your calorie intake, you will put on weight and more importantly, body fat. My advice to you is to do this properly. Re-enter your stats on here using the tool. Eat more calories, take your measuresments once a month and eat and exercise sensibly (eat back your exercise cals - your body needs to know what it's getting, calories wise so that it doesn't cling on for dear life and go into starvation mode).

    Hope this helps flower!

  • My stomach is use to it I been doing this for a month!
    Everytime I try to eat more I get full! So maybe I can take baby steps
    and gradually eat more. Im thinking every 2 to 3 hours till I reach
    my 1,200 calorie limit?

    Honest answer to why I eat 800 calories...
    My friend has NOTHING at her house and I go
    over their a lot! She's really skinny not anorexic cuz she
    can eat..and towards the end of the month my fridge is empty
    too lol so I got use to it!

    But I just eat one big meal! So maybe I can do that
    6 meal thingy its feels like eating less but your not?
  • BTW Thanx for the welcome up top!
    Thank you so much for the comments and helping me
    Out you guys!!
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    So, when you lost your 50 pounds eating nothing but 800 kcal a day, wich i highly doubt you will be able to do for more then another two weeks tops, how do you think your body will react when you start eating like normal again?

    Eating that little will **** up your body for good, you are risking your future health and you cant expect that we wont tell you this just because you say youve been able to maintain this stupid diet for over a month.
  • MelC2564
    MelC2564 Posts: 182 Member
    She's asking for help guys, no need to rip her head off! We're meant to be supportive.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    try the hcg diet- I am on round 2 and have lost 75 pounds since April and only half of that time was spent on the diet

    Oh yes because eating even less then she is now and taking a hormone from a knocked up woman's pee is really going to help her.. :noway:
  • Yes I now understand 800 Cal is a small amount to consume that's
    why I have decided to change it to 1200 Cal but I was wondering. How I can
    consume that many calories without making me feel sick
    should I consume small amounts till I reach 1200 Cal?

    What kind of exercises should I do?

    - Thanks for the feedback and Support! :)
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