I need to lose 50 pounds!



  • kiesh82
    kiesh82 Posts: 131 Member
    How long do you think you'll be able to eat 800 cals a day? That is going to get old and you will end up going back to your old ways because you aren't taking the time to develop healthy eating habits. You'll lose the weight by December but gain it back by June. I suggest that you slow down and focus on eating nutritious foods and eating at least 1200 cals a day. With all that walking you do maybe 1500. Yes at first you may gain but if you stick with it you'll start losing again.
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    This thread seems very attention seeking to me...good luck with your plan, I have no different advice for you then the above comments
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    I'm with Audram420, seems attention seeking. The weight didn't come on over night, don't expect some quick fix to get it do disappear quickly.
    Umm think what you want...but like I said all I ask was for help
    im not siting here saying OMG im so fat i starve my self on
    Purpose help me im a fatty help...look stuff like this pisses
    Me off I ask for advice for a reason its obvious I don't
    know anything about diet and exercise that's why I asked
    for INFORMATION. Y'all Can say im seeking "attention" but I'm
    not you dont know me at all so dont sit there and act like you do

    Thank you for your advice, but some of y'all are rude.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Umm think what you want...but like I said all I ask was for help
    im not siting here saying OMG im so fat i starve my self on
    Purpose help me im a fatty help...look stuff like this pisses
    Me off I ask for advice for a reason its obvious I don't
    know anything about diet and exercise that's why I asked
    for INFORMATION. Y'all Can say im seeking "attention" but I'm
    not you dont know me at all so dont sit there and act like you do

    Thank you for your advice, but some of y'all are rude.
    You asked for advice, you received it. Should you choose not to follow it...there is not much the good people at MFP can do for you. You say you know nothing about diet & exercise. There is a multitude of people here that know a LOT about diet & exercise. Choosing to ignore them does nothing for you. You say you asked for help & got rude responses. In response to the good advice you asked for and received, you replied..."but this is my normal routine," "but my body is used to it," "but at the end of the month I'll eat more," "but I was losing before even though I ate junk food," and "but I starve myself cause I'm fat." You would follow advice but but but. I learned a long time ago that everything before the BUT is BS.

    I tried to check your profile to see how old you are and find it is deactivated. I suspect 2 things. I suspect you are a young girl and I suspect this is not your only account here. So I'll assume you are still reading responses to this thread. I hope so. There is a lot of good advice here. If you follow it, you WILL lose weight.