September Travel Challenge

Thought I'd try a little challenge for myself in September - I'm going to the gym most days and going on the bike/treadmill/crosstrainer or swimming.

I thought I'd see if I could do the equivalent of 200 miles throughout the month. Most days I manage about 4-5 miles on the bike and 1 mile on the treadmill, but this might give me a bit of encouragement to do an extra five minutes, or extra couple of lengths or have a walk in the evening.

Who's in?


  • akgary
    akgary Posts: 52
    ill do it with you me and my friend go to the gym every morning, and we do about 2 miles there...we walk and then we do about 2-3 miles on the treadmill or ellipitical:) when do u wanna start? sept 1st? or today
  • louiseajm
    I'm going to start on Thursday - but there's no harm in having a sneaky day or two head start. :smile:
  • akgary
    akgary Posts: 52
    great ill start thursday do you want to check in every week or daily??
  • missingkitty
    missingkitty Posts: 16 Member
    Ill try :D i need some incentive to hit the gym more
  • louiseajm
    Let's check in weekly. Every Thursday.
  • louiseajm
    Thought I'd bump this up to see if anyone else is interested. Started well - 26 miles in 3 days so there's still time for people to join in.
  • missingkitty
    missingkitty Posts: 16 Member
    just doing a quick checkin so i dont forget ... up to 8.5 miles so far