My face thinks I am 13 years old.



  • Tereztaylor07
    I used Clinique's three step system and it did much more harm than good. Now I just use plain old Neutrogena face wash. I found when I controlled my carb intake my face cleared up. I still eat carbs, but I don't eat large amounts of them at once (like bowls of pasta, pastries, or cake). That seemed to help alot of with mine, I always got the cystic jawline type.
  • spaztastic13
    I use the walmart equate brand of acnefree and it is amazing...but i use to use clinque and loved it but couldnt afford it any maybe try switching your face wash too!!!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I was in Proactiv and then I switched to AcneFree cause I can buy it at Walmart when I need it instead of an auto-order like Proactiv. It works well.

    I bought AcneFree once on ebay b/c it's not sold in Canada and was so dirt cheap - it's that way for a reason, it can't compare to Proactiv, it doesn’t even have the exfoliating beads in it, it SUCKS!

    Proactiv is sold in mall kiosks and I've even seen vending machines in the US, so neat so you don’t have to wait (or my case, have to constantly delay b/c It takes me 2x as long as recommended to finish a set) to get the product. The mall prices are the same too, it may appear higher but that’s cause they built in the cost of shipping so you don’t save money.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I had the same problem! I never had this many pimples even when I was a teen. I started using Burt's Bees Acne cleanser and I am seeing my face clear up and I started using last Wednesday. My face already looks a lot better.
    Also moisturize! If you washing your face, it could dry it out and in turn produce more oil. So after I use the cleanser I put on facial moisturizer.
    Yes I noticed increase in pimples as I started lifting heavier weights and doing more intense cardio.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I've heard really bad things about Proactiv from my Doctor. She recommended using a gentle face wash that didn't contain sacylic acid,

    By all means please share these evil stores since there are over 1 million Proactv users/lovers. Also, Proactive doesn't contain salicylic acid, it contains benzoyl peroxide so you may have confused the information your doctor shared or your doctor confused which medicinal ingredient he/she doesn't like/recommend.
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I also have issues with skin since starting to work out more....
  • Emellon
    Emellon Posts: 36 Member
    For sure working out more will cause some breakouts, how you deal with them is key. Try to increase your water intake and keep up with cleansing before and after a workout (pre-moistened cloths are convenient!). As for what product to use...this can be a bit tricky, considering some skincare products that work for X won't work for Z. For that issue, I definitely think a visit to a dermatologist or an esthetician for a facial is a great start. They're trained to hone in on the issue and recommend the right course of action to combat it. Not to mention facials are relaxing and a good reward for your hard work :)

    Your dilemma doesn't sound extreme enough to require Proactiv (which made me want to tear my skin off, it was so horrible). It also depends on your skin type. I have extremely oily skin so I use products formulated for that and an oil-free moisturizing gel (not cream) during the day. I also found that since going on the pill, it's helped quite a bit. Most important, don't expect crazy good results right away! It'll take time for your skin to adjust and respond to the products but it'll happen! Good luck!