Slim Fast Diet



  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    Yeah, I've heard people simply adding them to their food plans and thus gaining weight. Keep in mind, Slim Fast, in its original form, was a drink given to cancer patients to help them GAIN weight--it offered a tasty, easily digested package of nutrition.

    I time I was out of milk and REALLY wanted cereal. I had a vanilla SlimFast in the refrigerator. Teehee, I used half the can on my cereal, the other half as a base for a latte, and had a delicious breakfast. Not too bad calorically either, especially since I was working out a few hours later.
  • DjBliss05
    Here are my thoughts...

    I have tried Slim Fast a few times over and have watched my parents do the same. It doesn't work for more than a few weeks! It just doesn't. You can't avoid food like that. Yes, you lose weight quickly and yes, you will gain it back quickly.

    It just isn't a realistic thing to replace meals with shakes. You get hungry quickly and stay hungry until you eventually give up! Eatting well and exercising are the only option. Other plans, like slim fast, just dont help you deal with real life and it can't work long term.

    On the other hand, I support having a shake now and again to replace a meal. I drive a lot and they sell them in convenience stores, so why not? Better than a three day old hot dog! For that use, go for it. In general though, just use MFP and learn to eat in a healthier way. We'll be here to support you!
