No grain diet?



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    @ Greg:

    A lot of research of this type is done by MD/PhD's - they carry both degrees. Though no, not the physician you will see at your clinic.

    I have had much better luck with taking my own health and well being into my own hands using myself as my own "test steak", you know the whole n=1 experiment.

    No one knows their body better than oneself. We are merely sharing our experiences with the OP and others. It is up to her to decide what is best for her.

    I don't think you can argue that eating whole, natural foods whether it be natural occurring animal fats, eggs, meat, vegetables and occasional fruit and nuts is a very healthy way to eat.
  • nessajk
    nessajk Posts: 32

    "I have had much better luck with taking my own health and well being into my own hands using myself as my own "test steak", you know the whole n=1 experiment.

    No one knows their body better than oneself. We are merely sharing our experiences with the OP and others. It is up to her to decide what is best for her.

    I don't think you can argue that eating whole, natural foods whether it be natural occurring animal fats, eggs, meat, vegetables and occasional fruit and nuts is a very healthy way to eat."

    Of course. We all have to do what is best for ourselves.

    Do you mean that eating whole foods IS a very healthy way to eat? Or that it isn't? My original point is that whole foods are the best way for ME to eat. Again, that's what is best for me. It is definitely a personal journey for all of us.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member

    "I have had much better luck with taking my own health and well being into my own hands using myself as my own "test steak", you know the whole n=1 experiment.

    No one knows their body better than oneself. We are merely sharing our experiences with the OP and others. It is up to her to decide what is best for her.

    I don't think you can argue that eating whole, natural foods whether it be natural occurring animal fats, eggs, meat, vegetables and occasional fruit and nuts is a very healthy way to eat."

    Of course. We all have to do what is best for ourselves.

    Do you mean that eating whole foods IS a very healthy way to eat? Or that it isn't? My original point is that whole foods are the best way for ME to eat. Again, that's what is best for me. It is definitely a personal journey for all of us.

    Yes, I am saying that eating whole, natural foods is very healthy.............

    I personally believe that is a plan that EVERYONE could benefit from. I am not trying to sound snarky or anything, but anyone that tries to argue that we need processed foods in our eating plans is kidding themselves.

    If that were the case the human race would have been wiped off the face of the earth long before any of us were every thought of.
  • RunningAggie
    Thanks for all the information. I know that I have to do what's best for me and what is sustainable for me. I was just wondering if others have tried this type of diet. I'll be going back to my sports nutritionist soon and will ask her what her opinion is. Way to go to everyone on their achievements! I'm in awe of you all...
  • rachpiper720
    Hey! I've cut out wheat/sugar for the most part (I still eat them 1-2x a week), and I have felt incredible! I follow the primal lifestyle. I've had the same experiences as your friend. My blood pressure has gone from 160/100 to 130/79 in just a few months. My fasting blood sugar has decreased, as well as my fibromyalgia symptoms. I've lost ~30 lbs of pure fat while gaining muscle . I think you should give it a go, along with other diets, too. It takes about 30 days for a person to actually see how they acclimate to the diet/lifestyle. Track your biomarkers (blood pressure, blood glucose, weight, %bf, etc) and pay attention to how you feel.

    If you do give the no grain/sugar thing a good go, make sure you get enough fat and protein. It is really easy to under eat while on this diet and you won't see much change if you don't. If I don't get enough fat, then I'll get headaches, but it is easily solved with something yummy like bacon, olives, cottage cheese.
  • TKazNC
    TKazNC Posts: 3 Member
    @RunningAggie Just remembered a book that was recommended to me by some other bikers, Paleo for Athletes. I haven't picked it up yet but I intend to once I hit my goal weight. Almost there. :-)
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I get all my carbs from fruit & veggies (occassionally rice) and the weight melted off. Now that I'm maintaining, I'll have a sandwich once a week or so and some pasta & french fries (not together) usually once a week (and ice cream a couple times a week), but I try to finish consuming all of my grainy & sugary carbs within an hour to keep my blood sugar normal since diabetes is in my family and keeps me from being hungry afterwards (due to insulin).

    Remember, whole grains spike the blood sugar just like non whole grains.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    primal is the way I typically eat, and I'm trying to see if I can get full paleo. I have the time, so I should be able to make the food for it all.

    Today, yummy lunch:
    Italian sausage!

    16oz italian sausage from the refig. section at the grocery store
    1 sweet onion
    bunch of cilantro

    fry it all up in your skillet with 3 tblspns of coconut oil.

    Enjoy! :)