Being Cold?

Am I the only one like this? When I am physically COLD, it makes me hungry! Not just a little "I could use a snack hungry," but an intense, "OMG! Where's the food!" hungry. Does anyone else get affected this way? It isn't "cold" where I am right now. Well, it shouldn't be. But our offices are FREEZING! Every woman in the office (7 out of 15 employees) agrees that the place is too cold! I feel silly because it is August and in the 80's outside, but I'm going to have to bring in a space heater. It is too cold! Will warming up my office make me less hungry?


  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I am always cold lately. It was 84 degrees on Sunday and I had a hoodie on - my husband thinks I'm nuts. Trying to combat the problem by upping my iron intake. I'm going to give it a few days. However, I don't get hungry with it, just the opposite
  • I feel hunger more when I'm cold, but I don't think it makes me any hungrier... If that makes sense!

    Maybe it's a comfort thing? I find having a cup of tea or coffee is the best thing when I start to feel cold at work.