weight up and down

Can someone shed some light on why weight goes up and down.. Over the last 3 days My weight has been 3 different numbers.210, 211,212. I was super excited to see 210 then the next morning i got on the scale just to check again 211, today just to see whats happen 212. I dont get it Im eating around 1300n calories everyday...is there a reason why to this ? Im not a scale person I weight once a week but for some reeason I had to weight to make sure what was the real numbe.


  • genxrider
    genxrider Posts: 107 Member
    Don't panic. That difference can be affected by how much food you have in your intestinal tract, if you've got some water weight, etc.

    2-3 pound fluctuations are totally normal.
  • sazino
    sazino Posts: 11 Member
    It is normal, but I know how frustrating it can be!! I was down to 172.8 the other day, which is my lowest since I started MFP!!! then, BAM, 175. I gave the scale the middle finger, and decided not to log that in my tracker :)
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    Definitely don't panic. First you body weight will fluctuate from day to day. I have seen a lot of people that do weigh themselves every day but you want to only record your week the same day each week to get a true idea of you weight loss. So for example always record what you weigh on Mondays. I recommend only weighing once a week but like I said I have see people be very successful doing it every day. But if it freaks you out too much don't do it. That is added stress that can cause you to hold onto the weight.

    Eating 1300 calories a day is good as long as you are NOT exercising. If you are exercising make sure you are not going below 1200 calories a day. That is too low for anybody and may cause your body to go into starvation mode and you will not drop the weight. Make sure you are eating enough based on your weight and height. You actually may need more food.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I have actually stayed the same for the past 3 days, and this has NEVER happened before. Usually I go up, down, up, down, just like you described.

    Typically the body fluctuates with water retention.

  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    That's why i only weigh myself once a week, and I use the tape measure and do the measurements. Much more accurate in the long run and you don't start obsessing over the scale.
  • AmyS79
    AmyS79 Posts: 65
    I just want to recorder the right weight. I was 212 and then when I saw 210 I was super excited to have lost 2lbs in 2 weeks. As far as working out I have not really started to much of a workout beside walking right now.