I need a little advice

I have been eating like 900 calories a day lately. Still been exercising. Do you think if I go back to eating 1200 calories a day which is recommended for me that I would gain weight? Or should I just go back to eating 1200 calories a day? Im scared I will gain weight if I do but I feel like I need more than 900 a day! Thanks :)


  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    you should eat more then 1200 =[ your body is probably in starvation mode. i had to up mine because of that i was sooo scared, but it's worked and i haven't been so tired and can enjoy exercise more.
  • tmwillit
    tmwillit Posts: 13
    900 cals a day seems pretty low. Most trainers and nutritionists will tell you not to go below 1200 a day or your body goes in to starvation mode and holds on to everything.

    Hope this helps:)
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    you will not gain weight, in fact, you will more than likely see a weight loss. If you are looking to gain, yo uwould need to increase by a lot more than that.
  • slbeutler
    slbeutler Posts: 205
    You should never go below 1200 calories. You might be losing now, but eventually your metabolism is going to shut down.
  • landorki
    landorki Posts: 93 Member
    You should always try to stay close to your recommended calorie intake. If you stay too far under it, you will go into starvation mode and stop losing and start gaining or plateauing.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    I was scared too, which is why I started this http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/russelljclarke

    Tentatively positive that I won't put my weight on again, but keep watching for the defnitive results (in a couple weeks)

  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I think it is the diet plan lighterlife that recommend 500 cals a day...but I think that is crazy and not sustainable.

    I think 900 is a little on the low side also to get all the fats/proteins etc., vitamins and minerals from your food.

    I am on 1200 + exercise cals....I don`t think I could exercise if I ate less than 900.

    IMO I would up it to 1200...because if you stay at 900 and you don`t lose weight then you have nowhere to go with it.
  • spyork
    spyork Posts: 187

    If you go back to 1200 your body will thank you for the extra nutrition, you have to realise you cant starve yourself to be fit and have a trim toned figure YOU HAVE TO EAT!!!!!! Look at any athlete do they eat less than 2000 cals a day? NO! Thats for a reason, if you starve your body it will use and breakdown muscle tissue to use as energy to keep you alive, the more lean muscle you have the more fat your body would burn naturally.
  • spyork
    spyork Posts: 187
    I think it is the diet plan lighterlife that recommend 500 cals a day...but I think that is crazy and not sustainable.

    I think 900 is a little on the low side also to get all the fats/proteins etc., vitamins and minerals from your food.

    I am on 1200 + exercise cals....I don`t think I could exercise if I ate less than 900.

    IMO I would up it to 1200...because if you stay at 900 and you don`t lose weight then you have nowhere to go with it.

    Lighterlife say 500 a day??????? What the *kitten*, at that rate you would die or be very very ill and may never recover. They should be banned!
  • Jalachri
    Jalachri Posts: 47
    Oh man thank you everyone! Im going to go back to 1200 and maybe feel better :) Im glad ya'll think I wont gain if I do! :)
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I think it is the diet plan lighterlife that recommend 500 cals a day...but I think that is crazy and not sustainable.

    I think 900 is a little on the low side also to get all the fats/proteins etc., vitamins and minerals from your food.

    I am on 1200 + exercise cals....I don`t think I could exercise if I ate less than 900.

    IMO I would up it to 1200...because if you stay at 900 and you don`t lose weight then you have nowhere to go with it.

    Lighterlife say 500 a day??????? What the *kitten*, at that rate you would die or be very very ill and may never recover. They should be banned!

    Here is an article from someone who lost weight with lighterlife...crazy if you ask me !!!
