Normal to feel hungry in an hour after meals?

kittuk86 Posts: 192 Member
I have been trying to eat healthy & keep under 1200 cals per day since a 6 days now. I started a brisk walk for 45mins after office hours & eating the extra cals as well.

I have noticed that I get hungry an hour and a half after every meal.

Its not possible to have 6 small meals a day in office. today I got extremely hungry after dinner & ate a small s/w. My food diary is public. I hate the feeling of being hungry. Any suggestions for some food items which fill the stomach for longer time.


  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Your diary is not public. Are you eating a good balance of carbs/protein/fat? I noticed when I eat carb heavy food without protein or fat I get hungrier sooner for the next meal.
  • 3ball
    3ball Posts: 338
    Sometimes maybe. I am today like crazy. Sunday's, for whatever reason, are always like that too.
  • bearsfan2334
    The fact that you say under 1200 calories may be why you are hungry. A net of 1200 is the LEAST amount you want to eat, that is bare minimum...
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    This used to happen to me every day. Since I dropped the carbs out of my diet (the grains, refined grains, legumes and sugar) and increased my fat intake it no longer happens. I still eat carbs but only as veggies, some berries and the occasional nut (edit: I guess I have to add dark chocolate to that since I had it in my coffee)

    Breakfast before going Primal: a big bowl of oatmeal (with Splenda) and a large apple: hungry an hour and a half later and weak and shaky - running to the cafeteria to get lunch.

    Breakfast after going Primal: 3 hard-boiled cage free eggs with Omega-3s and 4 pieces of Hormel Natural Uncured Bacon. Usually with around a Tbsp or so of organic unsalted butter (or coconut oil). Today I threw a couple of squares on 85% dark cocoa into my coffee. That was around 8:30am this morning. It is now 3:14pm and I'm still not hungry. (30g of protein and 54g of fat)

    And I don't count calories but some days I am under 1200. Actually quite often I am under 1200. I'm still waiting to see my metabolism drop (I wear a BodyMedia Fit Armband - measures calories burn 24/7). And I'm still waiting on my muscle mass to start wasting away. (My profile is public - see my pics).

    When you eat real, whole foods you get more nutrients with less calories. And with protein and fat filling you up you will naturally eat less calories (but the body doesn't see calories - it only sees fuel)
  • NicLiving
    NicLiving Posts: 261 Member
    I've tried the 6 small meals a day and it didn't work for me. First it made me look like a pig at work as I was eating every 2-3 hours lol. Plus I'm still in the 200's and I felt hungry all the time. So now I'm doing 4 meals around 400 cals each and that includes calories gained from exercising. Mayvbe you should try substituting one meal with a protein shake to make you feel full.
  • kittuk86
    kittuk86 Posts: 192 Member
    ah.. apparently I dont know a lot of things about a nice balanced diet!!

    Diary public now:

    thanks 4 replying!!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Protein, complex carbs, fiber, and fat ALL help to keep to you full longer. There is no one size fits all solution. Review your diary and if your diet is lacking fiber, then bump up that. If your diet is lacking protein then bump up that, etc. Not feeling hungry is possible if you "get the most bang for your (calorie) buck" so to speak.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    For me to feel full during the day, I need protein and whole grains. I eat steel cut oatmeal with protein powder for breakfast almost every morning and usually a turkey-avocado sandwich mid-morning. The in the afternoon, brown rice and lean meat then a salad for dinner and maybe a protein shake. I find 1200 cals is just too low for me, so my minimum is 1450. If you find out what your BMR is, it's easier to figure out what a good deficit is for you (since it's different for every person). I am 5 feet tall, 127ish pounds, 30% BF and my BMR is 1355 just to give you an idea. So obvy 1200 is too low for me.

    I'm following Tom Ventuo's plan in his book "Burn the fat, feed the muscle" it's a fantastic book.

    Good luck to you :)
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Protein, complex carbs, fiber, and fat ALL help to keep to you full longer. There is no one size fits all solution. Review your diary and if your diet is lacking fiber, then bump up that. If your diet is lacking protein then bump up that, etc. Not feeling hungry is possible if you "get the most bang for your (calorie) buck" so to speak.

    Good advice!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Definitely try more protein, healthy fats and try to make your carbs whole grain. Up your calories a couple hundred if you exercise.

    Sweetsahraj...I agree Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is a great book. I learned a lot from it.