I'm at a loss (and it's not a good thing)!

I just had my cholesterol tested (again) this morning (since my mom's second heart attack, I'm trying especially hard to lower it). The good news is that my HDL levels are up. The bad news is that my total cholesterol is up too.

In addition, I have not lost one ounce of weight since October 27th... but I haven't gained either. It seems like I've just hit this brick wall and can't get over it.

I'm still at a caloric deficit and I've tried lowering my calories even more, I've tried increasing my calories and varying my calories. I've tried increasing exercise, I've tried decreasing exercise. I've tried drinking extra amounts of water and cutting back on water.

I spoke with my doctor and she said we can do some testing or maybe my body is just where it wants to be (I have a BMI of 27, so I'm kind of thinking this isn't where I should be).

ANY words of wisdom and/or encouragement would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!


  • cheermom11
    cheermom11 Posts: 393 Member
    I just had my cholesterol tested (again) this morning (since my mom's second heart attack, I'm trying especially hard to lower it). The good news is that my HDL levels are up. The bad news is that my total cholesterol is up too.

    In addition, I have not lost one ounce of weight since October 27th... but I haven't gained either. It seems like I've just hit this brick wall and can't get over it.

    I'm still at a caloric deficit and I've tried lowering my calories even more, I've tried increasing my calories and varying my calories. I've tried increasing exercise, I've tried decreasing exercise. I've tried drinking extra amounts of water and cutting back on water.

    I spoke with my doctor and she said we can do some testing or maybe my body is just where it wants to be (I have a BMI of 27, so I'm kind of thinking this isn't where I should be).

    ANY words of wisdom and/or encouragement would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you in advance!
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    You're just a few pounds away from a healthy BMI, according to the charts, and you look great. If your doctor says you're ok, then I'd trust that. Have the tests done and if there is anything wrong, you'll find out about it. Sometimes HDL levels have nothing to do with diet and exercise and everything to do with genetics. If that's the case, your doctor should be able to prescribe something to help you.

    You might go see a nutritionist. Your doctor should be able to recommend someone. Sometimes, it's not about how many calories you're eating but about how/what/how often you're eating. You could also try a personal trainer regarding your exercise routine. Sometimes you just need the advice of a professional. If you haven't incorporated strength training, I highly recommend it. It can make a huge difference.

    Good luck!
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Hmmmmmm this is a tough one.......I'm sorry I don't know how to answer this. But thought I would bump it....maybe someone else can help you :flowerforyou:
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    There we go LesserTess beat me to it :drinker:
  • cheermom11
    cheermom11 Posts: 393 Member
    Thank you, ladies! I think I'm just having one of those days that I'm so frustrated, I'm feeling sorry for myself. :ohwell:

    I might just seek out a PT and nutritionist. I'm desperate not to have the health issues my parents do!
  • charliesgold
    charliesgold Posts: 235 Member
    Have you tried increasing your fiber in take and adding a Niacin supplement to your diet? Both of those things will help with bad cholesterol (I have the same problem) of course talk to your dr about it first but they've helped me to lower mine :) As for your weight, I agree that you look great but if you are not happy try to change your diet up a bit, eat new and different things, if you're chugging diet soda like I used to then drop it all together (I saw a 6lb loss when I did), grab fruit instead of those bready sweets we treat ourselves to once in a while.
    Just some ideas :) Good luck !
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member

    I absolutely understand what you're thinking. I had been overweight most of my life but never had health problems. Last year at this time I went to see my doctor and was at borderline high blood sugar, borderline high cholesterol and dangerously high blood pressure. I decided that hiring a personal trainer was cheaper than having a heart attack and going through therapy. Although my personal trainer wasn't a nutritionist he knew enough to get me on the right track and the rest I learned through massive research and trail and error. I honestly think the strength training has been a big contributor to my weight loss.

    My latest report from my doctor: my cholesteral and triglycerides improved by more than 50%, my blood sugar is normal and I'm no longer on blood pressure medication. So, I speak from experience, give PT a try and do what s/he tells you to do.

    Oh--on the cholesterol, try having oatmeal for breakfast every morning.
  • cheermom11
    cheermom11 Posts: 393 Member
    Have you tried increasing your fiber in take and adding a Niacin supplement to your diet? Both of those things will help with bad cholesterol (I have the same problem) of course talk to your dr about it first but they've helped me to lower mine :) As for your weight, I agree that you look great but if you are not happy try to change your diet up a bit, eat new and different things, if you're chugging diet soda like I used to then drop it all together (I saw a 6lb loss when I did), grab fruit instead of those bready sweets we treat ourselves to once in a while.
    Just some ideas :) Good luck !

    I had a brief discussion with the person who gave me my results this morning and she suggessted an increase in fiber too; I do admittedly drink two diet sodas each day, maybe it's time to just let it go :cry: and I did stop on the way home and bought some healthy foods I haven't tried yet. Maybe changing things up WILL help.

    Thank you, charliesgold!
  • cheermom11
    cheermom11 Posts: 393 Member

    I absolutely understand what you're thinking. I had been overweight most of my life but never had health problems. Last year at this time I went to see my doctor and was at borderline high blood sugar, borderline high cholesterol and dangerously high blood pressure. I decided that hiring a personal trainer was cheaper than having a heart attack and going through therapy. Although my personal trainer wasn't a nutritionist he knew enough to get me on the right track and the rest I learned through massive research and trail and error. I honestly think the strength training has been a big contributor to my weight loss.

    My latest report from my doctor: my cholesteral and triglycerides improved by more than 50%, my blood sugar is normal and I'm no longer on blood pressure medication. So, I speak from experience, give PT a try and do what s/he tells you to do.

    Oh--on the cholesterol, try having oatmeal for breakfast every morning.

    Lessertess -

    Again, I'm thinking I'm having an 'emotional' day. Your thoughts made me tear up.

    I am so happy for you that you are doing so well. What an inspiration! I really like your theory that a personal trainer is cheaper than having a heart attack. So true!