Hi I am new here

I have been battling weight all my life, I have been thin, fat, average and now I am obese, EWWWWWWWW I hate that word. I am tired of being overweight and clothes not fitting right or looking good, I am going to do this, yeah:-))


  • channa007
    channa007 Posts: 419 Member
    Welcome! Add me if you'd like. This system of logging everything you eat and staying under really works wonders! You'll see.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hello and welcome!! Feel free to add me if you'd like, and I have a support group forum if you're interested! :)
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I was obese and now am in the low overweight range and lost 4 pant sizes in 65 days....

    Use your diary, exercise, use the forum for help and advice....take one day at a time.

    Good luck x
  • hamm63
    hamm63 Posts: 3 Member
    I want to say welcome!! Glad you are here!! This is an awesome program. I have lost 43 lbs in a little over 3 months with very little exercise. I just watch the ingredients on all foods,cut my portions and also not eat after 6pm. I wish you all the luck!! My name is Rod if you want to be friends.