WHY OH WHY???? Cant I kick this sugar habit!!!! Its like a major addiction!!! im constantly craving sweet things this is not good!!!

Any tips???


  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I read rubbing vanilla scented lotion on your hands helps. Otherwise I eat some fruit?
  • Mine is salt. No matter how bad I try, I crave it. I've been buying crackers so they are not as fatty as chips. I do warn you not to cut it out completely or you will continue to crave it and end up binging on it. That isn't good either.
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    My first step was cutting from sweet junk (candy, cookies, cake, sugary ice cream) to no sugar added or sugar free versions. After that, I started switching those things out for fruits and eventually started cutting down my higher sugar fruits to balance out my sugar intake. It's still not perfect, but way down from where it used to be.