New to This

Hi everyone,
I'm Katie, 23, and a student. I've joined this website mainly because I feel uncomfortable in my own skin, more so my own clothes. It's time to do something about it and actually pay attention to what I'm putting into my body.
About a year ago I was able to drop about 18 pounds by simply using the 'mind over matter' method where I just ate when I was hungry and only ate enough to get myself past the hungry feeling. Five months ago I started dating an amazing guy, and well, I guess you can say I've gotten too comfortable around him and too used to him taking me out to eat. I've gained back almost all of the weight and hate it.
Honestly I don't think I have the discipline to do what I did last time, and I also know it wasn't healthy. I need exercise, motivation and a way to track what I'm doing with myself. Hopefully I can find all of that through using this website! I suppose I am posting this for some mutual experiences to hear about and also find how other women are dieting.
