Medicine Ball Questions

Do you personally enjoy/see results using medicine balls?
How to pick the correct size/weight?
What exercises do you recommend? (By myself and with a partner)

I have been at this for a few weeks and I feel like I am not working out my upper body enough. I was thinking about using medicine balls, but dont know much about them or many exercises. I am open to any similar alternatives as well.


  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    I bought an 8 pound medicine ball. Really, they are good for core training. You can search the internet for different medicine ball exercises.
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Definitely good for core training. I'm planning on doing P90X2 when it comes out and there's medicine ball use in it. I'm excited to learn of more medicine ball techniques. I usually use 5 or 8 lb medicine balls.

    Oh forgot to mention things you can do.


    Sit on the floor facing each other, feet positioned near each other, as if you're both going to do sit-ups at the same time. One person does a sit up, and upon "sitting up", launches the medicine ball at the partner, who catches and completes a sit-up with the ball. Repeat.

    Sit side by side and do mason twists with the ball (like passing hot potato, lol - whoever has the ball does the twist).


    Do push-ups with one hand on a medicine ball. Requires you to stabilize more so it's a bit more difficult.

    Sit-ups with medicine ball. Upon sitting up, launch the ball in the air, catch, and down down for another sit-up.

    There are MANY more, but I just tossed a couple of each at you. :)
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    I use a medicine ball often and LOVE the results. Some great core and upper body workouts include:

    pike situps
    sitting in a pike (w/feet on the ground) and do half rotations, touching the MB to the mat on each side of your hips.
    Pushups with one hand on the MB (lots of variations on this)
    Roll the ball back and forth between each pushup
    Toss back and forth with a partner

    Oy! Too much to write! Try YouTubing "medicine ball workouts" and see what you come up with. PTs are always putting their favorite workouts online. Additonally, take a crossfit class at your gym (or ask if you can take a free trial class at another gym) to get ideas!

    The medicine ball is an amazing tool for building speed and ballistic strength. I love it!
  • treatingmybodyright
    What brand of medicine ball do you recommend?