Question for first time half and full marathon runners...

From time to time I’ll be engaged in a conversation with someone, and the topic of my running hobby will come up. More often than not, if I happen to I mention that I’m currently training to run a marathon in October, the response that I get will be total silence, a blank stare, a few rapid blinks of the eyes, then a furrowing of the brow, which in turn is always followed by the inevitable question that pretty much everyone asks me at some point.


(I’m always tempted to respond by saying “Well, I checked the TV listings for my scheduled race day and there’s nothing good on, so I thought, you know, what the heck, I’ll run a marathon instead”)

I’ve thought about this “why” question many times in the past few weeks and I’ve come up with so many reasons why I’m doing this.

The physical part is pretty much a given. Running helps keep me in shape, it keeps my legs strong, it keeps my heart strong, running helps keep my weight down, and the exercise keeps my mind sharp. (Some of my close friends might argue the latter point but let’s not go there today)

But apart from the physical benefits of my training, there are these.
I’m learning about goal setting. I’m learning how to motivate myself. I’m learning about perseverance and dedication. I’m learning how to handle failure and rebound from a setback. I am mostly training with a partner so the teamwork aspect has been huge for me as well. I work autonomously at my job so for me it’s been a new and unique experience. And the feeling of accomplishment when I run a race in less than my goal time, or run a personal best time at a certain distance is a feeling that can’t be duplicated. As well, sharing in my partner’s successes and achievements has been as rewarding for me as my own small victories have been.

So that’s why I plan on running a marathon in October.

I’m interested in hearing from other runners out there, in particular those training for their first race. Why are you doing it, and what are you getting out of it???


  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member

    I hope to run my first half marathon next year and my first marathon the year after. Why? Because it's going beyond what I ever thought possible. It's working up to and COMPLETING something many people wouldn't dream of ever doing, I want to feel unstoppable. I want accomplishments. Fitness goals are becoming an addiction (a healthy addiction, not one that rules my life).

    I dream of the day I cross the finish line of my first marathon. :)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I actually just started my half training this past Sunday! I don't have a set race yet, but I'm aiming for one in the spring as my training will be slow and steady (20weeks).

    I'm pretty much doing it for the same reasons as you. I've always been one to do something when someone tells me I can't (a word I HATE!) but when I tell myself I can't, I wouldn't push myself. I started changing my way of thinking with myself by losing weight. Something I never thouht I'd be able to do. And here I am, 50lbs down and training for a half!

    I also wanted to do something that when I told others about they'd be really shocked yet supportive. And luckily, the rections have been nothing but positive.

    Good luck in Oct! I've got another 5k in a week and a half and a Warrior Dash in Oct. Please post how you did in this thread if yu remember, I'd love to read about!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    From time to time I’ll be engaged in a conversation with someone, and the topic of my running hobby will come up. More often than not, if I happen to I mention that I’m currently training to run a marathon in October, the response that I get will be total silence, a blank stare, a few rapid blinks of the eyes, then a furrowing of the brow, which in turn is always followed by the inevitable question that pretty much everyone asks me at some point.


    (I’m always tempted to respond by saying “Well, I checked the TV listings for my scheduled race day and there’s nothing good on, so I thought, you know, what the heck, I’ll run a marathon instead”)

    I get this from a few people...but I've lost 40 lbs. since February and people ask me all the time "how I did it" so I like to talk about my running...

    My "why:"

    Basically, the challenge. I started running in February...once I ran my first mile without stopping, I started trying to find other goals I could set for myself. After I ran/walked a 10K in May a marathon runner/friend suggested I register for the Denver Rock N Roll Half Marathon. I thought he was joking...and he said: If you can walk 4 miles an hour, you can complete a half marathon in 3 1/2 hours...why not try it?

    I couldn't come up with a reason not to try it, so here I am, 6 weeks away from my biggest physical challenge ever...and kind of terrified and excited all at the same time. Anyone else who is training for a half, I would love to hear from you!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I get that all the time.

    My first response is "Why not?" and my second response is "Because I can".

    Running my first full in November, ran my first half in June and will run another half in October. (And another half in December, and another full in January).

    I run because it makes me feel alive. I started running again last year to prove to myself that I could after years of injuries that stopped my soccer-playing and running. And now that I know I can, the sky's the limit. Why not run a marathon, honestly? It makes me feel good that I can work towards such a lofty goal, and yes there are trials and tribulations but 90% of the time I feel awesome. And the more battles I encounter, the better I feel about my ability to persevere and it builds my confidence. Currently I'm back in physical therapy and have been given the dreaded overtraining diagnosis...working through them and I know I'll come out stronger in the end.

    People might not understand why I run or why I devote my weekends to my running, but that's fine by me. It is what I do and it has become a huge part of who I am.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Why? Because the hot neighbor chick is doing it and I can't go 4 hours WITHOUT staring at her butt!


    Because hospitals AREN'T full of "runners". :tongue:
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Yes, I get that stare too.

    For me it's really simple, I want to be one of the ones who has done it. Not one of the ones who hasn't.
  • cariandy
    cariandy Posts: 175 Member
    I have always wanted to run a long distance race..but I finally did it for a friend. My friend's son has a devestating seizure disoreder and it is very they are trying to get more research for these poor children so they have a chance fo life. I told her I would do anything to help raise money for the Dravet research foundation.The idea of this race came up back in March (for Aug..Rock and Roll half in providence RI)

    So there was my motiation!! And training begun!!..I found Hal Higdon'straining plan online and roughly followed that.(doing shourter runs during the week and a long run on the weekend) It wasn't always easy, but I did it! I finished the race in 2:02:40.. i was hoping for under 2, but it was the best feeling ever! raising money for my hight school best friend's son and finishing my first half marathon!! Now I'm hooked and want to do another race soon! A marathon seems like a far fetched dream for me since I was sooo spent at 13.1, but maybe someday!!!!!!!

    You should be so proud of yourself! I look up to you!!! you are amazing! :o)

  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    This doesn't answer your question, but it's funny :) and I posted it on YouTube and it has almost half a million hits. It says something about how people think those training for marathons are crazy !!

    That's hilarious!!!!
  • cariandy
    cariandy Posts: 175 Member
    Why? Because the hot neighbor chick is doing it and I can't go 4 hours WITHOUT staring at her butt!


    Because hospitals AREN'T full of "runners". :tongue:
    I don't run in Arizona!! have you been to RI lately and I didn't know it?? hahaha ;oP
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    My wife and I are running Disney's Wine and Dine Half Marathon Relay in October (She gets 4.8 miles, I get 8.3 miles). I'll be following that up with the Princess Half-Marathon in February. These are our first races longer than just a 5K. Originally I wanted to run the Wine and Dine by myself, but the wife decided to run the relay with me. Something we can do together, and, honestly, it will make a nice stepping stone to the full half-marathon.

    So why did I do it? Like you, I use running as my typical exercise. The weight I've lost since the beginning of the year (see the ticker) and the almost double that since 2008, I can attribute to shuffling my way around the block.

    Also, like you, I need something tangible to help motivate me to step up my game. Whether it's a 5K, an 8+ mile run, a half-marathon, whatever, if I paid money for it, and the Disney races are NOT cheap, it keeps me moving and on the right track with a hard deadline to be ready. A PR and a shiny medal for finishing are the icing on top of the satisfaction that I did it. Me. No one else.

    Then, pretty much, I'm doing the full half just to prove to myself that I can do it. If I come out of the race in February unscathed, I'll probably look for another later in the year. Or maybe shift focus on a duathlon (no tri's for me, as much as there's sooo much less me, this body is nowhere near ready for prime time. I say, "no thanks," to the swimming), who knows? I do know one thing -- I will never be silly enough to sign up for the Goofy.
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    First of all, GREAT topic ;-)

    I ran my first half marathon back in March, the Dallas Rock N Roll. I then signed up for my second half, the San Antonio RnR in November....AND I also signed up for a third, the 1st ever, Tinker Bell Half Marathon at Disney Land at the end of January. My mom will run the half with me and my sister and dad are doing the 5k.

    Anyway, i get a lot of the blank stares or my *favorite* the eye rolls or the "what's wrong with you??"

    I signed up for the first one after one of my good gym buddies talked about it. She was saying how she had been slacking at the gym and needed some accountabilty. How can you be more accountable then training for a half marathon? I mean, you pretty much HAVE to work out and train, right? So we went to spin class and chatted about it some more and by the time we left the gym I told her I would do it too. I was never a runner before and never even thought about a half marathon.

    While I was starting my half training, I found out that a college friend of mine died of stage 4 stomach cancer. She was 35. Her dream had always been to run a full marathon. She never got that chance. Now, I'm not sure that I'll catch that full marathon bug, but Mari's death sticks with me whenever I think I can't do something. People that are dying of stage 4 cancer CAN'T train for a half or a full marathon. But what's holding me back? I don't have the time? I'm too busy? I don't "feel" like it? Those are all excuses!!!!

    I am a healthy, able bodied woman who has all of her limbs so there just are no good excuses for ME. So when someone asks me "why" I ask them "WHY NOT?!" I also tell them " because I CAN."

    I also told Mari's sister that even though I doubt I'll ever want to do a full marathon, I'm dedicating all my miles to Mari.
  • Scoobiesnax
    Scoobiesnax Posts: 148 Member
    Why? Because the hot neighbor chick is doing it and I can't go 4 hours WITHOUT staring at her butt!

    Busted ... :embarassed:

    Was I that obvious ?
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    Everytime I told people I was training for a marathon I would recieve those looks too, along with "HOw long is it?" I would tell them and they would tell me I was crazy and they have a hardtime walking to their car never mind running 26.2 miles straight!!!

    WHY I ran...

    I started running after a soccer injury that caused me to have knee surgery (ACL) so after rehab and not quite sure I wanted to go back to soccer just yet, I decided to join a friend in the running group. Well, long story short I started to love it. (never thought I would unless there was a ball in front of me) LOL
    I started joining races-5k's,10 milers, etc...then ran a half. I was addicted and the calming effect running has on me.

    Well, I started up soccer again and missed running races. So one day I just decided that I wanted to run at least one marathon in my lifetime and I wasn't getting any younger...SO I signed up right away ( #13 to sign up). So there was no turning back.

    Almost a year ago on Sept 18th, I ran it and I still can't believe I accomplished it!!!
  • cariandy
    cariandy Posts: 175 Member

    I am a healthy, able bodied woman who has all of her limbs so there just are no good excuses for ME. So when someone asks me "why" I ask them "WHY NOT?!" I also tell them " because I CAN."

    Lisa.. you are awesome!!! this is so true! We do it (and should do it..) because we can!! :o) Love it!!!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    At first, it was just to see if I could....and now I do it because I can, and because it's fun :)
  • Scoobiesnax
    Scoobiesnax Posts: 148 Member
    This doesn't answer your question, but it's funny :) and I posted it on YouTube and it has almost half a million hits. It says something about how people think those training for marathons are crazy !!

    Holy crap Wendy, I'm in tears here. I can't stop laughing.
    The ironman one is good too. Thanks for sharing !
  • tigerbluefly
    tigerbluefly Posts: 257 Member
    This doesn't answer your question, but it's funny :) and I posted it on YouTube and it has almost half a million hits. It says something about how people think those training for marathons are crazy !!

    Wendy, that is the best! Thanks for sharing! LOL

    I started running in March of 2010 when I turned 40 years old. I was tired of everyone telling me it was all downhill after 40. I did not believe that.

    I needed to do something just for me. It was time. After 14 years of being with the same man, married and having a family, I was left for a few younger prospects, left with 2 children to raise. It took me back a bit, I felt sorry for myself for a while, wondered why I wasn't good enough, pretty enough, young enough, whatever, you name it, it went through my head.

    Jump ahead 4 years and her comes the big 4 0 and I'm still alone. Well, this can either get you down or motivate you to make some changes. I took it as my chance to show what I was made of. I was a strong women, and I could do anything I put my mind to.

    I went to the track and tried to run once around it. I almost died. I could hardly breathe. I kept trying, every time running a little bit more. As I progressed I felt such a sense of accomplishment. I was doing it! The more I worked at it, the easier it got.

    My close friend is an ultra runner. I was asked to pace run him that fall in his 100 mile race. I agreed and continued to train, with my goal of being able to run 10K by September.

    I was progressing quickly so I decided I would sign up for a race. I picked a half marathon scheduled 3 weeks after my pace running race. I could have picked a 5K or 10K I guess, but I picked a half. I'm still not really sure why. I guess I just knew I needed the challenge. I wanted to do it, and I did. Best feeling ever crossing that finish line. 6 months later, March of 2011, I was running in a 30K race. What a rush crossing that finish line! It was obvious what my next step would be.....the full marathon.

    I have run a couple more halfs since, another 30K two weeks ago, a 26K coming up soon, and I will be pace running my friend this September in his 100 mile run again.

    This October I will run my first full marathon. I am soooo looking foward to it. And the best part of it all, is that each one of these races I've mentioned above, I have had the pleasure of running with my friend, neighbour, and running partner. I took him out of his rollerblades last year and asked him to run with me, and he did, without hesitation.
    He's an awesome support figure in my life, and the author of this topic. :) You rock!! We are going to be great in October!!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    This doesn't answer your question, but it's funny :) and I posted it on YouTube and it has almost half a million hits. It says something about how people think those training for marathons are crazy !!

    that was awesome...I just posted it on Facebook to help my non-running friends understand my obsession...even though I'm not doing marathons...yet.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    This doesn't answer your question, but it's funny :) and I posted it on YouTube and it has almost half a million hits. It says something about how people think those training for marathons are crazy !!

    Wendy, that is the best! Thanks for sharing! LOL

    I started running in March of 2010 when I turned 40 years old. I was tired of everyone telling me it was all downhill after 40. I did not believe that.

    I needed to do something just for me. It was time. After 14 years of being with the same man, married and having a family, I was left for a few younger prospects, left with 2 children to raise. It took me back a bit, I felt sorry for myself for a while, wondered why I wasn't good enough, pretty enough, young enough, whatever, you name it, it went through my head.

    Jump ahead 4 years and her comes the big 4 0 and I'm still alone. Well, this can either get you down or motivate you to make some changes. I took it as my chance to show what I was made of. I was a strong women, and I could do anything I put my mind to.

    I went to the track and tried to run once around it. I almost died. I could hardly breathe. I kept trying, every time running a little bit more. As I progressed I felt such a sense of accomplishment. I was doing it! The more I worked at it, the easier it got.

    My close friend is an ultra runner. I was asked to pace run him that fall in his 100 mile race. I agreed and continued to train, with my goal of being able to run 10K by September.

    I was progressing quickly so I decided I would sign up for a race. I picked a half marathon scheduled 3 weeks after my pace running race. I could have picked a 5K or 10K I guess, but I picked a half. I'm still not really sure why. I guess I just knew I needed the challenge. I wanted to do it, and I did. Best feeling ever crossing that finish line. 6 months later, March of 2011, I was running in a 30K race. What a rush crossing that finish line! It was obvious what my next step would be.....the full marathon.

    I have run a couple more halfs since, another 30K two weeks ago, a 26K coming up soon, and I will be pace running my friend this September in his 100 mile run again.

    This October I will run my first full marathon. I am soooo looking foward to it. And the best part of it all, is that each one of these races I've mentioned above, I have had the pleasure of running with my friend, neighbour, and running partner. I took him out of his rollerblades last year and asked him to run with me, and he did, without hesitation.
    He's an awesome support figure in my life, and the author of this topic. :) You rock!! We are going to be great in October!!

    Christine, I love reading about your running really inspires me~!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Ok, Wendy, that was hilarious!!!!

    Seriously, I started running last year because I don't want to be a sick old lady like my Mom (who's only 60 which is NOT old!!!). I wanted to just be able to run a 5k and ended up doing two of them last summer and fall. I was hooked! I have plenty of running friends and always thought they were nuts. Now I KNOW they are nuts, but I love them more!!!!

    People will ask what I'm running for and I tell them... I'm running for my life. I have the family history (and it's closing in on me personally) of heart disease, diabetes, stroke... you name it. Seriously, I'm running to SAVE my life! I want to be around for a good long many years so I can play with my grandchildren one day. My father died at age 48... I was 38 last year when I ran my first mile. I cried. It was for him!!!! Now, I don't cry, I rejoice every mile!!!!!

    Next spring I'll be 40. I'm hoping that by then I'll have 1 half completed, one more on the books, and a 25k (15.5 miles) also a couple weeks after the big birthday!!!! Oh, and I look better than I did in college... so that's motivation for me right there!!!!