Not Doing Good !

I have nessed up big time . I have just went nuts . I felt all day like I was hungry , so I snacked all darn day on foods that are high calorie . Why ? I don't know . It seems like I lose weight and then I mess up again and gain it back .
I feel so bad tonight because of this . Ever sense I quit smoking I want food . I am at home a lot , so I snack . I had already posted my food for the day , well forget that ! I messed it up big time !
What am I going to do , How do I start back , I don't have all kinds of money to buy in lots of good food . I try to keep fruits and veggies in , but I can't all the time . My husband eats chocolate and cakes and brownies and I am the one that makes them for him because he wants them , what do I do ? Well I went in and ate them today . :embarassed:


  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    this is what you brutally honest with and accountable to YOURSELF! ask yourself some brutal questions every day, such as these....

    (based on your tracker it appears that you've lost 18 pounds already)....

    Q for SELF: I've lost 18 pounds already. Do I want to gain that back or do I want to lose more?

    Q for SELF: Do I want to waste the hard work I've already put in?

    Q for SELF: Why do I want to throw away a good start?

    Q for SELF: Why do I want to lose weight and be healthier?

    as for snacks, find a protein powder you like. There are several affordable ones and the protein hit ought to be able to fill you up. also, stop making crap for your husband. its not fair to YOU.
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    You can do this. Take a deep breath SMILE and forget about today tomorrow is a BRIGHT NEW DAY!!! You need to want to do this for you, and believe me I know how hard it is my husband and daughter eat a lot of JUNK food. You just need to be strong and always ask yourself is this brownie really worth my health and added weight? What I do is ask myself what does this JUNK do inside my body? and most of the time It grosses me out and it makes it easy not to eat or drink un-healthy items.LOL Your mind is a lot stronger that you think it is you just need to tell yourself, I am worth this, I can do this, Nothing is going to stand in my way. Also, have someone take a picture of you in a pair of shorts and a sports bra, then carry one with you and put one on the fridge. This has helped a lot of people in making better food choices. You may already know all of this. Just don't beat yourself up, we are HUMAN and make mistakes but if you want to see results you need to smile be happy, strong and not depressed.
    You can do this........
  • rikisue206
    rikisue206 Posts: 99 Member
    this is what you brutally honest with and accountable to YOURSELF! ask yourself some brutal questions every day, such as these....

    (based on your tracker it appears that you've lost 18 pounds already)....

    Q for SELF: I've lost 18 pounds already. Do I want to gain that back or do I want to lose more?

    Q for SELF: Do I want to waste the hard work I've already put in?

    Q for SELF: Why do I want to throw away a good start?

    Q for SELF: Why do I want to lose weight and be healthier?

    as for snacks, find a protein powder you like. There are several affordable ones and the protein hit ought to be able to fill you up. also, stop making crap for your husband. its not fair to YOU.

    Well Said!
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    Don't give up...we all have bad days, even several in a row!! I don't always have healthy foods in my house with a husband and kid who don't necessarly need to diet or want a bunch of healthy food around the house. Just watch your portions when you can't get a hold of healthy stuff. My husband I work opposite shifts M-F so we really only see eachother on the weekends and we EAT OUT almost ever meal..I've still lost 15lbs by watching portions on the weekends not necessarly eating super healthy.
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    I don't have all kinds of money to buy in lots of good food . I try to keep fruits and veggies in , but I can't all the time . My husband eats chocolate and cakes and brownies

    It actually turns out to be cheaper (in my experience) to buy the healthy foods. The grocery bill is always WAY more when you start adding in packaged and junk foods. Try sticking to the outside of the isles as much as possible (meat,dairy,veg) and you might be able to get more healthy foods for less money :)

    Plus it will be less tempting when you dont have junky options in the house to turn to
  • You can do this. Take a deep breath SMILE and forget about today tomorrow is a BRIGHT NEW DAY!!! You need to want to do this for you, and believe me I know how hard it is my husband and daughter eat a lot of JUNK food. You just need to be strong and always ask yourself is this brownie really worth my health and added weight? What I do is ask myself what does this JUNK do inside my body? and most of the time It grosses me out and it makes it easy not to eat or drink un-healthy items.LOL Your mind is a lot stronger that you think it is you just need to tell yourself, I am worth this, I can do this, Nothing is going to stand in my way. Also, have someone take a picture of you in a pair of shorts and a sports bra, then carry one with you and put one on the fridge. This has helped a lot of people in making better food choices. You may already know all of this. Just don't beat yourself up, we are HUMAN and make mistakes but if you want to see results you need to smile be happy, strong and not depressed.
    You can do this........

    This lady is right!!! Chin up, dear. We all fall off our wagons once and a while and splurge. Stay strong and forget about today....start again tomorrow and watch yourself become healthy!
  • StormChaser217
    StormChaser217 Posts: 70 Member
    Thank each of you . I know you are all right . I have to get in gear . And I am not going to bake anymore goodies he has to bake them if he wants them . Thank you for your encouragement , sometimes I need a kick in the bum to get going .
  • kiesh82
    kiesh82 Posts: 131 Member
    I would suggest keeping snacks out of the house and not baking unhealthy snacks for hubby until you get this under control. Drastic times call for drastic measures. My thinking is that you form healthy habits and get into a "groove" with your eating it and will become easier to avoid tempting snacks. Over time you'll be so used to not eating them that you may be able to go back to baking the snacks for hubby without over-indulging.
  • StormChaser217
    StormChaser217 Posts: 70 Member
    I would suggest keeping snacks out of the house and not baking unhealthy snacks for hubby until you get this under control. Drastic times call for drastic measures. My thinking is that you form healthy habits and get into a "groove" with your eating it and will become easier to avoid tempting snacks. Over time you'll be so used to not eating them that you may be able to go back to baking the snacks for hubby without over-indulging.

    I agree ! Thank you .
  • Everyone has a bad day or several bad days..don't let it stop you! You have to want to do this for yourself! My husband can eat anything and has a healthier heart rate and lower cholesterol than I do, so I had to decide this was for me and me alone! Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again! Just like falling off the horse, you have to get back on! Don't get down on yourself, it doesn't help you, just tell yourself you are worth it because you are!
  • StormChaser217
    StormChaser217 Posts: 70 Member
    Everyone has a bad day or several bad days..don't let it stop you! You have to want to do this for yourself! My husband can eat anything and has a healthier heart rate and lower cholesterol than I do, so I had to decide this was for me and me alone! Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again! Just like falling off the horse, you have to get back on! Don't get down on yourself, it doesn't help you, just tell yourself you are worth it because you are!

    Thank you !