Eating disorder vs. dieting?



  • sixxx
    sixxx Posts: 39 Member
    No, "obsession" is the key pattern behind all disordered eating behaviors. From what you have described, you most definitely have emotional issues with food that go well beyond enthusiastic dieting. If eating and enjoying the process of nourishing your body as it contributes to your otherwise happy and fulfilled life is NOT what you are currently experiencing, (and it doesn't appear to be), I would consider seeking the advice of a mental health and/or medical professional to deal with your eating obsessions.

    Incorrect. The scope in which eating disorders are developed span far beyond just 'obsessions'.

    I do agree though, about checking in with a mental health professional or a doctor.
  • kmbutler09
    kmbutler09 Posts: 29 Member
    Only a professional can diagnose you with a eating disorder. Most people that do suffer are very secritive and in denial about their habits. Go talk to someone to get a straight answer.
  • kmbutler09
    kmbutler09 Posts: 29 Member
    Only a professional can diagnose you with a eating disorder. Most people that do suffer are very secritive and in denial about their habits. Go talk to someone to get a straight answer. Eating disorders are a mental disease, OCD deals with obsession.
  • gritgirl
    gritgirl Posts: 95 Member
    Years I heard a speaker talk about the various forms of eating disorders. There was compulsive overeating, anorexia, bulimia, bulimarexia, and obsession with every bit of food you eat. I realized at that point that that was my thing. I didn't think I had an easting disorder until that point.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I am obsessive with my weigh/weight loss. I was 200 lbs at one point, and since I have lost 53 lbs I never want to go back there again. I step on the scale multiple times a day as well.

    That being said, I don't harp if I am over in calories because it is going to happen. I don't even exercise as much as I used too. I do obsess a little but not extreme. Just be careful.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I would definately go and see a doctor about this. Or a therapist who specializes in disordered eating.

    I have recovered from anorexia/EDNOS, and had very simular behaviors/thoughts to what you are describing. I also restricted a LOT and over-exercised, so there are differences, but it does sound like disordered thinking, and it would be great if you got help before it gets worse.

    :heart: hugs to you! Friend me if you want a supportive friend who's "been there".
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    i have an addiction to food so i have to be obsessive or i WILL overeat. i weigh myself daily to keep myself in check. i think you may be pushing it a bit too far but not far enough that you can't come back from it. just focus more on what you want in the long run. do you want to be this obsessive 10 years from now?