fatty gotta eat!

I used to be underweight. Then I let myself go, now I'm kinda chubby around the midsection. I was always a skinny kid, so I figured I'd work on building some muscle mass too. I made a program for myself, put together a stack to supplement that program and now I'm working toward a better me. I miss pizza. Anyone willing to review my program and stack and give me some tips/pointers? Thankfully I stopped myself before I got obnoxiously obese... I'm 5'5" and 148 at ~19% BF (granted I used one of those magic scales, so take it with a grain of salt). Oh, and I miss pizza.


  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    nothing wrong with pizza, it's just the quantity... i have pizza most weekends as a treat. Admittedly it's home mdade (the dough, the sauce are both home made).

    But you can have a couple of pieces of pizza for a treat, and just eat a salad on the side to fill you up and stop you eating the whole pizza.