New here..and on a mission :)

Hi everyone,

I have been using a MFP ticker for a little bit on my blog - and just started actually using the site other tools here. I am a 35 yr old working mom in Northern CA, trying to get back in shape (if I remember what my shape was!). I've lost 30 lbs since June 3rd and am still trying to lose about 40 more or so. I am evolving in this journey - trying to now add in more exercise than just walking and am looking to join a gym. I am currently eating pretty much no carbs or sugar and drinking only water, and tons of it. I'm sure my diet will also change over time.

I have a couple friends who are members here..and look forward to meeting more. Especially if anyone lives in my area, I'm looking for work out buddies. The thought of facing the gym alone scares me to death!



  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    HI heather :) welcome to the site , I look forward to taking this awesome journey with you :)
  • DoriLuke
    DoriLuke Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks Kimmie! It looks like you have really come a long way - that is awesome! I hope I can be as successful. :)
