


  • jarrettfam
    jarrettfam Posts: 186 Member
    I love Zumba!!!!! I just started yesterday! I have done zumba 2 days in a row for 20 min each and have lost 4.4 lbs already!!! Wow!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    I LOVE it so far! Can't say what results typically look like, since my 2 y.o. lost my disk shortly after buying it. :explode: ..but I found it again today. I decided I'm officially starting on the first, which gives me a month to look better for my son's birthday than I did last year. :D
    Feel free to add me as a friend fellow-Zumba users! :happy:
  • januadiaboli
    januadiaboli Posts: 117 Member
    I *love* Zumba!!! I was doing it in the spring, once a week in a class. Took the summer off because, with all the travelling we did, I just didn't have time for it. Am back at it now, two face-to-face classes a week, plus DVD and Zumba Wii in between. I like it enough that I'm actually doing the instructor training in October; that way I won't have a drive to the city every time I want to take a live class!
  • blynnblair
    blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
    I love Zumba oh so much!! It has been my main workout throughout my weight loss journey, I have lost 67 pounds, I do it at my gym about 3 times a week. I absolutely love it and would recommend it to anyone, just know the first class can be difficult since you don't know the moves the second class will be even better! Have fun, it's a great workout!!
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Go to a class, my main exercizes so far have been zumba, and hiking....I do zumba 3-5 times a week and hiking 2-3 times a week. Stable success so far and it isn't painful or boring (unlike this horrible total body work out I did tonite, ugh)
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I did my second class last night and am going to Aqua Zumba tomorrow night. Hopefully I'll be able to stick with 2-3 "normal" and 1 Aqua class a week. Been doing that along with walking, 30 DS, and lap swimming every day :)
  • julietsingleton
    julietsingleton Posts: 126 Member
    I also love zumba. I go to a class once per week and also have the DVDs and try to do then 3 times a week when i can. It is so much fun to do especially whe you do a class as routines are always changing and new ones added. So far by doing zumba and using MFP i have lost 16LB! :happy: