new here :)

hi everyone im just dropping in to introduce myself. my name is hailey, im a mom of 3. my kids ages are 6yrs old 16months and 3months. currently im weighting at 164.5lbs and im 5' 1. my goal is to get down to 130lbs with in a year. im looking for supportive up beat peeps that can help keep me on track!!


  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    Hi Hailey! Feel free to add me if you want. I'm 5'2" and I am almost to my goal weight which is between 125 and 130. MFP really helped me along the way! If you add me, make sure you put a message or I won't remember who you are! LOL!
  • marathonbiker
    marathonbiker Posts: 207 Member
    Hi my name is Tommy. Joined here 8/29. Have lost 46 lbs over past year. My goal wt is 165. Right now my dilema is eating enough calories. Doesn't take much to make me feel full. I'm very active, and this is where I'm concerned. Do outdoor landscape maint, run 3 days per wk, one long run on Sat. Cal range right now at around 1400. Any suggestions would be of a great help!