Depression and dieting

Hey all,

I'm just writing this because right now, and at many times in my life, I am suffering and have suffered from severe depression. In part, I'm depressed because I'm having difficulty with losing the weight I want to, but there are also many circumstances in my life that I am discontent with. The main part of it though, is a sadness that I cannot find a reason for. And this is what is disturbing to me...I am so depressed and pained in spirit seemingly without a cause. It's very frustrating. I guess what I would like to know from others is this: How do you push through the pain of depression? How do you find the ability to make right choices in your eating and your health when everything feels horrible? How do you go about working toward a solution to the problem when you have trouble even taking a step? These are just a few of my questions. I'm really, really tired of feeling this way, and I would like to know how others have dealt with it. Thank you to those who have taken a few minutes to read and respond to this. I really do appreciate it.


  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I know how you feel. I've felt that sadness and emptiness without a cause. My fiancee gets frustrated when I have a hard time showing emotion, like laughing at a funny movie.

    I wish I had some great advice on feeling better, but all I can say is distract yourself. I've been using my MFP program as my distraction. No time to wallow when I'm always thinking about my eating and exercising habits.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    First of all, it makes me sad to know you are sad. I don't know you personally or what you have tried already but for me, I needed a jumpstart of medication. I stil keep a bottle just incase but I don't rely on them because I get hungry and tired. As boring and simple as it sounds, walking is soooo helpful. If it's not enough, find a place to hike. I sweat out my frustrations and daily "test' of my strength. Find a challenge, somthing you would never think you could do and DO IT. Also, surround yourself with positive energy-healthy people, happy people and people that "go for it"! I ride their tails and they don't even know it. Please take care of yourself because you are important and you do deserve the best.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    I've dealt with this, and I go the other way. I stop eating almost completely.

    I've tried prescriptions. Short-term, good solution. But they mess with so many other aspects of your life.

    Exercise. Regularly. Ride the endorphins. The human body is a magical thing, and ridiculously self-correcting!
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I know exactly what you mean.
    I am currently struggling at this very moment with depression. doesn't help a certain someone I know is currently making me feel like **** by saying I have daddy issues and my bf is cheating on me.. He doesn't even KNOW my bf. Ha.

    I just have to remember that no matter how bad the depression gets, it's part of the reason of why I got to where I am and if I can't control the depression, I will control gaining weight from overeating, because if I don't, I will just feel worse.
  • Suwanda87
    Hi Blueviolet20. Thank you for sharing how you are feeling, I know that this is a very sensitive matter for you. I have also experienced bouts of depression in relation to my lack of weight loss. What I do in order to beat the *funk* is just sit and think about all of the things in life that I am fortunate enough to have. Clothing, shelter, and food (lol sometimes the enemy!). I have also for many years have blamed others for my lack of weight loss, but just recently I have realized that it is all up to me to stand up for myself and make better food choices for me, because no one else will. Whatever you do, don't give up on your weight loss goals, be patient, and just focus on the positives in life. By sitting and being grateful, humble, and thankful for what you do have, it is almost impossible to remain down. Hope this helps :-)!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I have been frustrated but never d\been severely depressed. I think it is best if you consult a psychologist/psychiatrist to give you some recommendations. Although from what I have read, some anti-depressant drugs can make you gain weight a little but anyway you can ask them if you can switch to another medication in case it interferes with your weight loss goals.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Become a robot. Treat your calories and your workouts like a machine. Get though the hours.
    Get on the forums and me a troll and snarky. Most funny people are severely depressed. Are you funny?
    eventually I forget why I'm depressed. well until bed time. Just cry yourself to sleep, and get up fresh.
  • soknurdy
    soknurdy Posts: 74 Member
    Hey, first, keep your chin up. I have definitely been there where you're coming from. As much as some people may disagree, the absolute first thing is cutting out the people who are bringing you down. If you have a emotionally abusive boyfriend/girlfriend, bestfriend, etc., you need to get rid of them. Secondly, only YOU can let people hurt you. Third, you might have a nutritional imbalance. I found that after cutting out meat (although drastic) it really helped my mood. I think the hormones in meat may have a part in how you're feeling. Lastly, make sure to get enough SUNSHINE. You will feel instantly better.

    Sometimes you might get tunnel vision and when that happens, I want you to look in the mirror, and think about your parents and the people who love you SO MUCH. You can get through this and if you need help, don't be afraid to go see a counselor. You are beautiful and again, only YOU can let people hurt you. Only YOU can push yourself to the top to be successful. Only YOU can make yourself feel happy. <3
  • eelamme
    eelamme Posts: 1,135 Member
    I too suffer from severe depression and emotional eating. Meds help to some degree. As does keeping busy. Sadly, on days off I tend to be a weepy crying mess. Used to be that during my weekend off I would buy Little Debbies and chow down. Then, the next day I would be miserable and filled with self hated. Then I decided to try and not buy them for one week. It was tough. The second week wasn't as hard but rough. Now it is not an issue. I just don't buy them and as a result I don't have to deal with the yuckiness I felt. Something else I've stopped doing is going out to eat after a bad day at work. I would order wings, cheesecake and alcohol...comfort food. Same thing, would feel so guilty. Not just because of the calories but because it costs money. Not sure I will ever not have the urge to go out but it is getting easier. I wish I could offer some advice. Instead, all I can say is that you aren't alone!
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Become a robot. Treat your calories and your workouts like a machine. Get though the hours.
    Get on the forums and me a troll and snarky. Most funny people are severely depressed. Are you funny?
    eventually I forget why I'm depressed. well until bed time. Just cry yourself to sleep, and get up fresh.

    Hahaha, I'm not very funny at all right now. But you are. And it made me smile. :)
  • patti626
    patti626 Posts: 31 Member
    I am sorry to hear you are going through advice is to go and talk to your doctor or make an appointment to talk to a mental health professional. There is no reason you should suffer from this type of depression......if you let it go too long, you may become suicidal. It sounds like you need intervention as soon as possible. I am a social worker and have seen many people get help through counseling and the use of anti-depressant medication. Sometimes people have to try a few different types of anti depressant before they see results. This is normal as everyone is different. Maybe your doctor will want you to start out with just counseling to see if you improve without medication. Most people need to take antidepressants but not always for long term. Just believe that you are not alone and there is help for you!!! If you don't know who to call, call your local county health department, they can for sure assist you in getting help!! Take care....
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Lots of people struggle with depression and if you asked each of them what helps, each person would probably have their own unique answer. So keep asking until you find the solution that works for you. For me, depression goes hand in hand with anxiety and its easy to get sucked into a negative spiral. When I feel that starting, I focus on doing things I know are good for ME. If I had to choose 1 single thing that is best for me it is sleep. I don't mean lethargic laying about all day because that just makes it worse. I mean wearing myself out (or knocking myself out) and getting a solid 8-10 hours. I've used prescription sleeping meds before (nothing addictive) under the supervision of a doctor and I found those really helpful. Simply getting a full night of rest helps me begin to get back on track. Things like eating well and exercising also help me.

    Also, begin or end each day by writing down one thing you like about yourself and one thing you are thankful for. If you can't think of anything good about yourself right away do something good for yourself. Take a few minutes to clip and/or file your nails... in just a few minutes you'll be able to say that you have well kept fingers or toes! It might seem like a silly thing to recognize in yourself, but its a starting place!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    You should really try eating at least 4000mg of potassium in your foods daily, as it totally helps our emotions level out and we just feel better, period. Also, add Omega-3 essential fatty acids regularly. Walnuts, hemp seed, flax seed, soy, fish, fish oil. Potassium is found in veggies and beans, fruits, fish, chicken, etc.. Also make sure to drink lots of water. Try these things, they've made a huge difference in my outlook.

    Here's a good chart to check out.

    I wish you all the best!
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    I am in your situation completely. It all comes down to not allowing your depression to affect your diet. You are the only one who puts the food in your mouth. You make your own choices. I am just realizing this now after four months of being on here. You will get through this. If there's a will there's a way. Besides, if you make healthy choices and lose weight, it will make you happier; I promise. Feel free to add or pm me if you need further advice.
  • GwennyH
    GwennyH Posts: 80 Member
    I struggle with some of the same issues... For me, I have to just decide that I WANT to change. That I don't want to feel bad anymore, because I'm tired of it. If I don't feel it (the desperate need to turn things around), then nothing changes. I just keep complaining, groveling, feeling bad, hiding, eating more, and going down into the pit even more. If I can convince myself to choose to fight those bad feelings and to choose something different, I know deep down what to do. And it IS a choice you make.

    So how do I choose something else? It is a known fact that exercise gives you endorphins, which make you feel good. I choose to exercise! When I get those crummy feelings, I exercise. Daily. Some days, not as hard as others, because a body needs a break. But a break doesn't necessarily mean a lazy day, it just means a "gentle" workout... And only things that I enjoy (for me it's swimming, or the ellipitcal or treadmill, but everyone is different) and I make it enjoyable. If it's painful, I don't do it... But most people can validate the same thing: exercise makes you feel good. So if you're tired of things the way they are, choose differently. And one way to do that is to get moving....

    P.S. And don't be afraid to seek medical help/medication to get you through. Sometimes even water, exercise, and diet can't change an imbalanced brain, so go talk to your doctor!!! Lots of people complain about weight gain from anti-depressants, but I actually had some really good weight loss a few years ago just from going on Prozac, which balanced me out enough to logically think through and make better choices, rather than going off of emotions!

    The bottom line is DON'T GIVE UP! Make the choice to do things differently until you find something that works. Like Exercise. :)
  • jkcools
    jkcools Posts: 66
    Read a book called "Battle Field of the mind" Author Joyce Mayers. It's sort of religious; but it really change my out look on life. Give it a shot, and hang in there, don't give up.:happy:
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    The VERY reason I'm doing this is to stay off of meds. ( I was on them for 12 years, and have been off about 5) I push through doing it, because it helps me with my depression. I know where my mind could go if I don't take care of myself, and eating right and exercising is the best thing I can do to take care of myself.
    Hey all,

    I'm just writing this because right now, and at many times in my life, I am suffering and have suffered from severe depression. In part, I'm depressed because I'm having difficulty with losing the weight I want to, but there are also many circumstances in my life that I am discontent with. The main part of it though, is a sadness that I cannot find a reason for. And this is what is disturbing to me...I am so depressed and pained in spirit seemingly without a cause. It's very frustrating. I guess what I would like to know from others is this: How do you push through the pain of depression? How do you find the ability to make right choices in your eating and your health when everything feels horrible? How do you go about working toward a solution to the problem when you have trouble even taking a step? These are just a few of my questions. I'm really, really tired of feeling this way, and I would like to know how others have dealt with it. Thank you to those who have taken a few minutes to read and respond to this. I really do appreciate it.
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Read a book called "Battle Field of the mind" Author Joyce Mayers. It's sort of religious; but it really change my out look on life. Give it a shot, and hang in there, don't give up.:happy:

    Oh man! I have that book! I just haven't read it yet. And no worries about it being religious...I'm a Christian through and through. But, yeah...I'll give that a shot.
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    I've dealt with this, and I go the other way. I stop eating almost completely.

    I've tried prescriptions. Short-term, good solution. But they mess with so many other aspects of your life.

    Exercise. Regularly. Ride the endorphins. The human body is a magical thing, and ridiculously self-correcting!

    This is the best advice! I was just telling someone else that sometimes you have to force yourself to get up and just do it! I have been disabled since 2004, but when I was working, I remember a customer asking me one time how I kept a smile on my face. My answer... when people ask me how I'm doing, I always tell them I'm great and soon I start to believe it myself. You are worth so much more than what you are giving yourself right now. No one can make you happy and there is no one size fits all answer, but I do know from experience that once you start exercising and working toward a goal you will feel so much better about yourself. Hey... rather you believe you can or can't, you're right! ( I think Dale Carnegie said that, but I'm not sure). You are no alone here. There are tons of people backing you up on MFP. We are all in this journey together and here to give you a kick in the pants if you need it, or simply a hug. Add me if you like... I'm too tired to think, and probably shouldn't be trying to give any advice! Add me if you like... I suffer from depression too. I know what you are going through.
  • morkpansy
    I totally understand the pain of depression. I have lived with it for years. I have tried multiple medications. I never really felt right when I was on meds. Because the meds were not helping me I looked for other ways to get through my depression. I found that having a good support system (friends and family) was the biggest help for me. The other thing was that I found something I was passionate about and began to get involved. I think when you are involved with something that you are passionate about it helps you to focus on the good in your life instead of the bad. For me my passion is theatre. I got involved with a local group and am going back to school to get my MA so that I can eventually teach theatre. I have found that during the times when I am involved with a production I don't have time to think about my depression. It lifts my spirits and brings me great joy. So my advice to you would be to find your passion and get involved with it. Never quit fighting your depression, when you quit fighting it means the depression has won. Good luck to you.You can do it!!