Hitting the one month stretch, any advise for this Newbie

Good Evening MFP,

My name is Stephanie and I have been on MFP for almost 30 days. I want to keep the motivation going but I am afraid that I will lose it soon. Does anyone have any recommendations? I do not want to fail, this is the first time that I have been serious about losing weight.

Friends welcome.

SW: 183
CW: 178
GW: 150


  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    just keep doing it...keep up with your log...refuse to lie to yourself about what your putting in your body. those are the things i've done for myself. Be active on MFP as well. I feel guilty when I'm not on as often! Remember that thousands of people have done it so why the heck cant you! its not that hard if you just go one day at a time.

    I had a rough patch where nothing was moving, the scale or me, and so i took some time off but never forgot that it was ONLY for that weekend...i got back on it full board the following Monday and I felt SO much better for it! listen to your body and guilt yourself into sticking with it. thats what i do!

    You deserve to be the best you possible...and only you can provide that for yourself.
  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    When I was worried about motivation I joined a group that had monthly challenge. Each week was a mini challenge and you needed to check in to help with your success. I don't think I hit the ten pound mark that was the goal, but at least it kept me going. :)

    Good for you making this amazing change in your life.
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Focus on WHY you are doing this and all of the victories -- scale or NSV that show you the changes are working. This will help keep you going. There is a body of psychological research that suggests it takes about 32 days to make a real behavioral change. Take heart in the fact that you are approaching a point where this can get easier. I know for me at about a month into diet control it started to feel easy and the same was true a month into real exercise. Lean on your MFP friends and look to grow your friend base. I know that my motivation has really grown since I started to increase my circle of MFP friends. Good luck. You CAN keep going! :happy: