1200 is NOT a magic number!! I don't know how you do it



  • Crystalchaos72
    I think I agree with the overall message of the post, but I am a little tired of everybody attacking a 1200 cal. diet. It's working for me and I am not starving. Sometimes I have to eat some extra peanut butter to meet 1230 and I eat more calories when I workout. If I eat 1230 a day, I will lose a pound a week, which is a healthy goal (from what I read).

    If it feels like an attack, I apologize......it is just my opinion that for ME it is waY tOO low! I have never on this "journey,adventure, whatever" eaten that low, 1700 was my starting point and I have lost 114#'s.
    I feel fricken awesome and wish you luck :)
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    For me as being 5"1 im given a 1200 calorie aim, only 300 cals deficit. Some days I find this number a struggle! when I have rest days etc, but I usually exercise everyday so I eat more, and net always 1200 calories. But I have noticed that I have been the same weight for two weeks.... perhaps I have to increase my calories gradually until I find the right balance.

    I have one member on MFP who struggles to eat this amount. I find it highly discouraging and worrying that someone cant eat that much and complain about it. Just change what your eating to higher calorie food!!! (sorry mini rant!)
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I am a big fan of 1200. [:

    But then again, I am also a fan of VLCDs when doctor recommended, Intermittent Fasting, and not eating back your exercise calories.

    So my opinion doesn't mean much in the world of MFP Forums. :D
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    to be honest i never had a problem with 1200 cals, and lost consistantly. however now i am at maintenance i much prefer having 1800 instead!!!
  • Crystalchaos72
    to be honest i never had a problem with 1200 cals, and lost consistantly. however now i am at maintenance i much prefer having 1800 instead!!!

    Good for you! :)
  • Lizi19
    Lizi19 Posts: 180 Member
    I think I agree with the overall message of the post, but I am a little tired of everybody attacking a 1200 cal. diet. It's working for me and I am not starving. Sometimes I have to eat some extra peanut butter to meet 1230 and I eat more calories when I workout. If I eat 1230 a day, I will lose a pound a week, which is a healthy goal (from what I read).

    If it feels like an attack, I apologize......it is just my opinion that for ME it is waY tOO low! I have never on this "journey,adventure, whatever" eaten that low, 1700 was my starting point and I have lost 114#'s.
    I feel fricken awesome and wish you luck :)

    I get it. Everybody is different. If I started out weighing 100 pounds more than I do, I would not only eat 1200. It would seem ridiculous to me. But. since I only need to lose a couple of pounds and am sitting down most of the day 1230 works. Congratulations on the weight loss.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I agree with you! I am totally fine with 1200 calories a day. As long as I drink enough water, I am fine. If I work out that day, Of course I will eat more. I hear alot of people saying they did 2 workouts in a day. Well, if you workout too much and don't get results, it's because you are not eating enough for all of the calories you are burning! My fitness pal is a great tool for learning how to eat for losing and maintaining your weight.

    Too much exercise can also hinder your weight loss because we are not giving our bodies a time to repair the lost tissue cells caused by exercising especially our muscles. And coupled up with eating less than 1,200 cals, our body thinks there is a "famine" going on & its initial reaction is to slowing down our metabolism so we won't "die". Its OK to break it down into 2 or 3 mini-workouts but not too much like 1 hour per workout.
  • city_of_frogs
    city_of_frogs Posts: 101 Member
    i agree, everyone have there own needs.

    1200cals works for me. I eat more on days I work out. I'm not hungry on 1200, whereas a friend of mine starves. She's on 1500 on this site.

    Don't be afraid to lose weight slowly :) just as long as you're not fooling yourself.
  • Crystalchaos72
    LOVE THIS!!!!!

    "Don't be afraid to lose weight slowly :) just as long as you're not fooling yourself."
  • city_of_frogs
    city_of_frogs Posts: 101 Member
    LOVE THIS!!!!!

    "Don't be afraid to lose weight slowly :) just as long as you're not fooling yourself."

    haha what's funny is that this time I'm taking everything very seriously, and I'm the most successful and consistent I have ever been... go figure lol
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    For most people I think 1200 is too low for an every day goal, especially since people want that note at the end of the day that they are under their calorie goals. Very short, petite people are the exception to this. 1200 could still be just right, too low, or even too high. Everyone needs to find what works for them.
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    1200 cal works for me. I have lost 80 pounds in 67 months doing 1200 cal/day. Are there days I am over a little, of course. Are there days I am over a lot? sometimes. Are there days I am under, sometimes, but usually not under by much. I am not starving. I started out at 317 pounds,. This is working for me. It prob is not for everyone, but for me, it is great. Why do people always have to be so judegemental on here? I thought we were her to get healthy and support each other.....
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member
    I understand what you're saying , however , as I am only 5ft tall , and only just overweight, mfp has set me at 1200 cals - and at that (according to MFP) I should only lose 0.5 lb a week. So 1200 cals is a slow , gradual weight loss for some.
    There's no way I could aim for 1600,1700 or anything remotely that high as even my maintenance calories would be below that figure.