Weigh more as you age?



  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Your friend could just be genuinely concerned if both her sister and mother are ill and look very thin.

    My mum & dad had cancer and I agree there is a point where when you get so thin it doesn't look healthy at all especially if that person has previously bigger and that's how your used to seeing them... on the other hand I've also seen pics of thinner women who look very healthy cos they have muscle and are fit and strong... maybe you can find a pic of someone on internet who looks around same weight you want to be, but is clearly looking healthy and toned rather than thin and ill... this may help her fears? .. she may genuinely have a fear of losing you if you get ill like her mum and sister did? (even if they are still here.. she may still be afraid of losing them).

    I'm 42 myself and I had got to 12st 7.. not just from age but from physical restrictions to I think and having an under active thyroid.. I've managed to lose one and half stone, which I'm thrilled with but I'm still in over weight category and need to lose at least another 7lbs to get into the top end of healthy for my height.

    Wii Fit says I should be 9st 3 and BMI 22 I can't remember if I had to input my age on that, or whether its just generalising.. I'd love to be that weight but haven't been since my 20's! At first I wanted to be as light as I could get in case people had to lift me, but after seeing pics of people and having friends whose muscles have wasted from similar conditions I've decided I'd rather be a little heavier as long as it was muscle rather than fat and I was healthy overall. .. I might settle for somewhere between 9st 7 and 10st as long as I'm healthy, my arms and legs are quite muscular luckily,, its just my tummy/torso where all my fat is.