Need some help please!



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member

    BTW as many people seem to think muscle DOES NOT weight more than fat
    A lb of muscle & a lb of fat both weigh a lb

    Thank you!

    Not trying to hijack the OP's thread, but it absolutely drives me crazy when people say that "muscle weighs more than fat"...its such a silly statement when a pound is a pound......

    muscle does weigh more than fat. At no point did someone say a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat. When someone says muscle weighs more than fat they are implying in equal volumes, since it is implied it does not need to be said and we all know what they mean.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Plenty of advice and recommendations in the above posts.... I will just say that our bodies do this naturally from time to time. You've been doing great. But your body is adjusted to a new normal. You need to jolt it back into action. You could increase the intensity of your workout routines, try a new workout option, eat 200-300 more calories per day, etc etc. These things, all of them, or one of them, might give your body the jolt it needs to start dropping lbs again if ya tried a change-up for a couple weeks. Best of luck!!!
  • genie98
    genie98 Posts: 62
    Thanks for more advice! I do track all the sodiym, fiber, carbs amd protien on my phone. It shows all of the categories. I will try to bring more chicken and things like that. The problem is sodium is in everything and I really try to watch that one. Any ideas on low sodium foods?

    Also if I do resistence bands in my workouts, will that be enough of a change for a start? I havent done them before but have videos for them. What do you think?
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member

    muscle does weigh more than fat. At no point did someone say a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat. When someone says muscle weighs more than fat they are implying in equal volumes, since it is implied it does not need to be said and we all know what they mean.

    Well, when you put it that way, yes, I supposed it makes more sense. Its just that the people I usually hear it from are the ones who worked out for like two weeks only, gained 3 lbs, then try to convince themselves that they've lost fat and gained all this muscle in that short time. Its just doesn't add up.
  • feliciapeters

    BTW as many people seem to think muscle DOES NOT weight more than fat
    A lb of muscle & a lb of fat both weigh a lb

    Thank you!

    Not trying to hijack the OP's thread, but it absolutely drives me crazy when people say that "muscle weighs more than fat"...its such a silly statement when a pound is a pound......

    muscle does weigh more than fat. At no point did someone say a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat. When someone says muscle weighs more than fat they are implying in equal volumes, since it is implied it does not need to be said and we all know what they mean.

    if you look what i wrote originally I said muscle is dense by mass than fat so that the same amout (lbs = WEIGHT) there seems to be more fat than muscle

    If you think that you compare 2 things that are the same total poundage (i.e fat/muscle) one will "weigh" more than the other because they arent composed of the same genetic matter then you really need to go back and retake 3rd grade math

    and not "everyone" know what you mean by

    "When someone says muscle weighs more than fat they are implying in equal volumes, since it is implied it does not need to be said and we all know what they mean."

    Many people starting out on this site are confused about so many things that when many people say "muscle weighs more than fat" they believe it.

    There is less muscle because of the density of muscle than there is of an equal lb of fat. Hence my lb of rocks lb of feathers analogy. There seems to be ALOT of feathers in a lb, but you can have a very small 1lb rock due to the DENSITY of it's total mass



    Sorry to highjack the thread.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    This is the third thread today that 's been hijacked and spiraled into this discussion. Stop beating this horse.

    I think it's important to see where your calories are coming from. Under settings, you can add more columns so that you are tracking fiber and sugar. I see you're tracking carbs but carbs = Fiber + Sugar. (someone correct me if I'm incorrect). Fiber is good because it makes you feel fuller for longer. If I have to eat a Carb, I'd rather it be fiber rather than sugar. If you're doing Atkins, then I understand that they're both equally off limits.

    I'm also tracking cholestorol cuz I'm borderline.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    This is the third thread today that 's been hijacked and spiraled into this discussion. Stop beating this horse.

    I think it's important to see where your calories are coming from. Under settings, you can add more columns so that you are tracking fiber and sugar. I see you're tracking carbs but carbs = Fiber + Sugar. (someone correct me if I'm incorrect). Fiber is good because it makes you feel fuller for longer. If I have to eat a Carb, I'd rather it be fiber rather than sugar. If you're doing Atkins, then I understand that they're both equally off limits.

    I'm also tracking cholestorol cuz I'm borderline.

    Actually under Atkins you should get fiber as that diet looks at net carbs (Total Carbs - Fiber)