the michael phelps diet



  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    I'd rather know what Dara Torres eats. She looks amazing!
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    My God. Do you not know that carbs=fuel for exercise? That's why he eaats so many carbs, it's fuel for all the training. It has nothing to do with weed.

    Wow...not a good grasp on sarcasm this morning, eh?
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Honestly--I'd love to know where this info about his diet came from...because I think people speculate on what athletes eat. Especially since he burns so many calories in his training regimen. Also, he's young (ish) and I know that bodies are typically more prone to do what you want it to do when you're an athlete in your youth.

    I think for the general population, diet really is 80% of "how you look", and the small percentage of elite athletes out there, they're anamolies. Sure, it's fun to speculate or look at what he eats...but I don't think it really translates to how I'd feed my body, even if I was training like he is.

    I remember watching a documentary on a man who was an extreme marathoner. He would do 48 hour races--some of them 200 miles, on his own. And he would literally stop and eat an entire cheesecake, mid-run!:noway: Definitely not the best thing...for fuel or for food, but I know he's atypical, and it may or may not catch up with him one day. Each body is what works for you!:smile:

    During the Olympics they had a huge story (in the swimming community anyway LOL . . . the hubs is a swimming coach by the way so we "stay up on these things" in my house) about what he was eating. He would have chocolate chip pancake "breakfast sandwiches" . . . the pancakes were the size of a normal person's head . . . with eggs, meat, cheese, toppings, what nots.
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    He may be fit but what about fruits and veggies?
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    My God. Do you not know that carbs=fuel for exercise? That's why he eaats so many carbs, it's fuel for all the training. It has nothing to do with weed.

    Wow...not a good grasp on sarcasm this morning, eh?

    Lol my thoughts exactly xD calm yourself :p
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    My God. Do you not know that carbs=fuel for exercise? That's why he eaats so many carbs, it's fuel for all the training. It has nothing to do with weed.
    Wow...not a good grasp on sarcasm this morning, eh?
    I thought the same thing. When I read it, I literally said out loud, "oh, we're just playing!"
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    the michael phelps diet? weed and water.
    but seriously i wish i could eat like him!!
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Your VO2 max plays a big factor in how many calories your burn while exercising. Michael Phelps, of course, moves oxygen at a world-class pace and so the time he spends swimming burns a voracious amount of calories.

    With that said, I heard the 12K calorie/day thing was proven a myth? In any event, doesn't matter...he still eats way more than all of us.

    He eats his exercise

  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    Another example of high performance activity requiring high performance fuel.

    The morals of the story:
    1. You should eat your exercise calories.
    2. Carbs are good.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    He eats his exercise


    Officially the most important post of the day.
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    What are grits?
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I easily believe the 12K calories a day thing. As a mere high school swimmer, I ate 5000 calories per day. Full breakfast before morning practice, full breakfast after morning practice, morning snack, huge lunch, snack before afternoon practice, dinner, snack before bed...also with lots of milk and juice that added up to 600-700 calories per day just on the beverages. I was burning 1500+ calories per workout and of course I did not have near the muscle mass (hence the calorie burn) that an elite athlete has.

    Sure, those eating habits KILLED me after I stopped swimming! But Michael Phelps' body is a fine tuned machine that could not do the miles, repeats, intervals, cross-training, etc. that he does without that many carbs and calories. I agree...lesson learned: eat your exercise calories and when you workout a lot, carbs are your friends.

    On another note, I think it's interesting that he had NEVER lifted weights when he went to the Olympics the first time. All of his strength training was with resistance bands or his own body weight. Very intriguing...
  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    I easily believe the 12K calories a day thing. As a mere high school swimmer, I ate 5000 calories per day. Full breakfast before morning practice, full breakfast after morning practice, morning snack, huge lunch, snack before afternoon practice, dinner, snack before bed...also with lots of milk and juice that added up to 600-700 calories per day just on the beverages. I was burning 1500+ calories per workout and of course I did not have near the muscle mass (hence the calorie burn) that an elite athlete has.

    Sure, those eating habits KILLED me after I stopped swimming! But Michael Phelps' body is a fine tuned machine that could not do the miles, repeats, intervals, cross-training, etc. that he does without that many carbs and calories. I agree...lesson learned: eat your exercise calories and when you workout a lot, carbs are your friends.

    I agree 100% with this. When I used to swim competitively, I would eat around 4,500-5,000 calories a day. I was very healthy, very lean, and I ate like a horse. But once I stopped swimming, I didn't change my eating, and I got fat LOL
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    thats IT!!! i am SWIMMING FROM NOW ON hahaha
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 484 Member
    Thank god a few competitive swimmers have replied to this post. I swam my entire life and through college. You're buying a big myth if you think that a vast majority of swimmers eat healthy (yes, even the elite ones). Of course, there are a few health nuts. It wasn't about getting enough cals or carbs, it was BEING ABLE TO eat whatever you want w/out worry. In college, my daily routine was 1.5 hrs (approx 5 miles) in the morning, then 2-3 hrs (approx 5-8 miles) at night, followed by either HIIT or weights.

    I have NO idea how many I ate, but it was easily 7-8k per day. Add to that the fact that Phelps is naturally a skinny dude. Also, the OP is using the info used on Phelps during a little special they did during the Olympics last time around. His coach, Bob Bowman (who took a donut away from me at a swim meet when I was 8 BTW), is known for being a health freak so I'm guessing (just a guess) that as Phelps has gotten older, he's probably fixed up the diet a little bit.. but probably not. One of the health freaks (I can't remember his name) was a breastroker around 2000, I believe. He ate well during all of his training, but would have a Big Mac prior to big race days... ritually.

    Ha, this is also why I have so many friends on here who are ex swimmers. All of us ate to our hearts content and then added like crazy when we stopped swimming.
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 484 Member
    On another note, I think it's interesting that he had NEVER lifted weights when he went to the Olympics the first time. All of his strength training was with resistance bands or his own body weight. Very intriguing...

    Stamps, my coaches didn't let me lift until the summer before I got to college (and even then it was very light)... It was all bands, medicine balls, vasa trainers, core, and body weight stuff.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    On another note, I think it's interesting that he had NEVER lifted weights when he went to the Olympics the first time. All of his strength training was with resistance bands or his own body weight. Very intriguing...

    Stamps, my coaches didn't let me lift until the summer before I got to college (and even then it was very light)... It was all bands, medicine balls, vasa trainers, core, and body weight stuff.

    Yep! A lot of people emphasize using weights specifically, but there are so many other ways to strength train other than heavier weights and more reps! It obviously worked for Phelps!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    of course he eats that much!! think about how much you burn with swimming! Assuming he's 170 lbs (i have no idea)... and lap swims for one hour.. vigorously.. he probably burns around 700 calories / hour!!! Even though that's just estimating, his calorie burn has got to be wayyy up there!

    and yes, he does have a body of a greek god!

    .. hellllo, swimmers! ;) lol
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    He eats his exercise


    Officially the most important post of the day.

    By the way.. love this.. haha, it should be the MFP background for the home screen.
  • rolliepollie087
    rolliepollie087 Posts: 251 Member
    His facial expression is hilarious!
    He eats his exercise


    Officially the most important post of the day.

    By the way.. love this.. haha, it should be the MFP background for the home screen.